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Professor Flitwick pulled Barnaby aside at the end of his next Charms lesson. Barnaby worried he was going to get in trouble, because his Arresto momentum spell had been so bad. Instead of the cushions they dropped falling slowly and lightly to the floor, his somehow picked up speed. They'd shot like bludgers all around the room, ricocheting of piles of books and his classmates' heads.

"I wanted to let you know that your hard work has not gone unnoticed, Mr. Lee. Your teachers have seen the extra effort you've put into your studies, and are, myself included, quite proud of you," said Flitwick. 

Barnaby glanced around the room. There were piles of toppled books on the floor, and a few feathers were still fluttering to the ground.

Flitwick shrugged. "Today was a bit of a mishap, admittedly. Nothing that can't be corrected with practice. But don't let it discourage you. You're doing well, my boy."

"Well enough to pass my OWLs, sir?" he asked.

Flitwick's smile fell. Barnaby looked down at his feet.

"Are you really interested in a OWL in Charms, Mr. Lee? I've heard from Professor Kettleburn that you were interested in becoming a Magizoologist."

Barnaby wondered if he should tell Flitwick about his grandmother's threat. The more people he told, the more it felt like he was announcing his own funeral. "It just...my Gran really wants me to pass all my exams," he said.

Flitwick nodded, perhaps a little too understanding. "Well, Charms does seem to be one of your best subjects."

Barnaby knew this wasn't saying much.

"While I admit you're not there now, you are improving drastically. At this rate, you have a fighting chance to receive and Acceptable on the OWL. Are you interested in finding a tutor? I'm afraid all the staff are rather preoccupied at the moment attempting to break this portrait curse..."

"I have a tutor," said Barnaby. "My friend Rowan Khanna."

"Excellent," said Flitwick. "You couldn't ask for better. Keep at it, Mr. Lee. Whatever happens, I believe we can expect great things from you after Hogwarts."

"Thank you, sir."

Barnaby was surprised when he left the classroom to find Ismelda waiting for him in the corridor.

She looked even grumpier than usual, but she fell into step beside him as headed to the Great Hall for lunch, and asked him, "Have you gotten half as many invites to the Halloween party as I have?"

"Invites? I thought everyone could go."

"Well everyone fifth year and above can go, I suppose. But a lot of people choose to bring a date."

"Only fifth year and above can go?" he asked. "Man, I've been accidentally sneaking in for years."

Ismelda looked impressed. "How did you manage that?"

"I don't know, I just followed everyone else to the feast."

"Not the feast, dummy!" Her face went red. "I mean, you misunderstood me. The Halloween party that takes place after the feast. You know, the secret, off-limits one?"

"Oh, that one. I've never heard of that one."

Ismelda sighed. "Well it takes place after the feast. And if you haven't been asked yet, you will be, by tons of people, so I thought we could save everyone a headache and just go together."

Barnaby pondered on this. "But, what if we want to take other people?"

"Trust me, it will be better this way," said Ismelda.

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