Diego Caplan

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As he predicted, the stress and chaos returned with the new lessons, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Barnaby thought it would be. It was much easier to get by in his lessons now that he was only learning new material and not having relearn everything he'd missed from years before. Rowan was as proud as a new mother, bragging about Barnaby's latest homework grade to anyone nearby. Each of his teachers (except for Snape) had even stopped him to congratulate on his improvement.

Valentine's Day was also just around the corner, and that meant it was Barnaby's favorite time of year. Everyone was always so nice to him all February long. Loads of students, most of them girls, showered him with compliments, cards, and chocolates. It had gotten even better since he'd become a quidditch player. 

"Oh, honestly," muttered Rowan in the library, as a group of girls waved to him, then giggled as he waved back. "Doesn't that get annoying after a while?"

"Not really."

"No, I don't suppose it would for me, either," she said. "Still, it's kind of pathetic."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, none of those girls know a thing about you, do they? They just think you're handsome and they want you to ask them out on a date for Valentine's Day."

"They do?"

"Of course they do."

Barnaby looked back over at the group of girls. One of them, a raven-haired girl with pure white skin, winked and blew him a kiss. 

Barnaby blushed and looked back down at his notes. "I don't want to go on a date with them for Valentine's Day," he whispered to Rowan. 

"You don't have to," said Rowan, chuckling. "But, be careful. People get desperate this time of year, and I know for a fact that Jae Kim sells love potions, though I can't get Sarah or Charlie to do anything about it."

Barnaby gulped, remembering how Ismelda had nearly fed him a love potion a few months ago. He doubted he could resist free anymore free sandwiches. 

"What should I do?" he asked. 

"Well if it were me, I'd ask somebody I actually like, then all the vultures might back off." Her eyes drifted out of focus, a smile forming as she daydreamed. She blinked and shook her head. "But we're far out of my realm of expertise there. You'd be better off asking Penny or Andre about that." She tapped Barnaby's parchment. "You should be asking me about the witch trials of 1692."


As luck would have it, Barnaby found Penny and Andre out in the courtyard when Rowan dismissed him for a break. 

The snow from Christmas had all but melted, but the wind was still icy as it blew at Penny's braids. 

"Hi," Barnaby told them. "Rowan says I should ask someone on a date for Valentine's Day to keep the vultures away how do I do that?" he said quickly. 

Andre burst out laughing. "Well, I know for a fact a lot of people would like to go out with you. Enjoy it, I say. Say yes to someone and see where it goes."

"Unless you have someone specific in mind you'd like to ask," said Penny earnestly. "Do you?"


"Hang on," said Andre, putting his hands out to stop them. "I sense drama ahead."

"Ooh, where?" said Penny. 

Andre nodded his head in the direction of the fountain. Sarah and Merula stood there, as well as a Hufflepuff boy Barnaby recognized from classes, though he didn't remember his name.

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