Future Plans

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They Gryffindor table was considerably more subdued than usual at breakfast the following morning, no doubt because they'd stayed up so late, but their demeanor was nothing compared to the Slytherins. They looked like angry snakes about to strike at anyone who dared walk by. 

"Lee, I'm not going to tell you anymore times, you're not allowed to sit here," said Bill, rubbing at his temples when Barnaby approached their table. 

"Don't worry, I'll be good. I just wanted to share some news. What's wrong with you?" He'd caught sight of Sarah's face. With a scowl like that, she belonged at the Slytherin table. Barnaby had to hold back a smile; even her grumpy face was adorable. 

"Speaking of news," said Rowan, "Sarah received some bad news from her parents this morning."

"What's happened?" asked Barnaby, ignoring Bill's angry grumble and squeezing himself on the bench between Sarah and Charlie. 

"It really isn't worth repeating," said Sarah, stabbing moodily at her sausages. 

But Rowan wasn't one to leave juicy gossip alone. "She mentioned you in her last letter to them," she said, "and they wrote back that under no circumstances is she to date, befriend, or associate with someone with the last name, 'Lee.'"

"Oh," said Barnaby. "Well...this is awkward."

"But it means you're finally available!" said Charlie throwing an arm around Barnaby. Rowan laughed as Barnaby knocked it aside. 

"I can't believe they could be so prejudiced!" said Sarah. "After they raised me to be nice to everyone and not to judge a book by its cover. They're still so paranoid that the wizarding community thinks we're dark wizards because of Jacob, that they stay miles away from anything remotely connected to the Dark Arts."

"Like my parents," said Barnaby." Sarah grumbled into her orange juice before taking a sip. "So, um, are you still going to..." he tried to remember the word Rowan had used. "Associate with me?"

Sarah glowered down at her plate. "Of course. They lost the right to boss me around about that stuff ages ago. It just ruins my plan to invite you over this summer."

"Well, if it helps, My Gran never would've let me come," said Barnaby, those his chest ached at the thought of an entire summer alone with Sarah. "She doesn't approve of my 'mixing with cursed, dirty-blooded rabble.'" He adopted his Gran's snobbish, severe voice.

"How do I not know your Gran, yet know that is a 100% accurate impersonation?" asked Charlie.

"Forbidden love," said Rowan, resting her chin in her hands with a sigh. "Some people have all the fun."

"Anyway," said Bill, rolling his eyes. "Let's hear your news Barnaby, then you can clear off."

Barnaby told them about being approached by the wizard from the Appleby Arrows. 

"Wow," said Charlie. "They must be keen. He could've got in a lot of trouble if he'd been caught talking to you on school grounds."

"How come?" asked Sarah.

"It's breaking the law," said Rowan. She had finished her breakfast and was pulling a book from her bag. "Students are allowed to leave school early to join professional teams, but the organizations aren't allowed to verbally encourage them to leave school early."

"How did you know that? I've never seen you express any interest in quidditch," said Bill. 

"Rowan knows everything," said Barnaby.

Rowan blushed from behind her book. 

"Are you gonna do it?" asked Charlie. 

"Of course he's not!" said Rowan at once.

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