Twenty- I always knew

Start from the beginning


After a morning of love making, we shower and fuck again in there before actually getting ready. As I've said before I simply couldn't get enough of this girl, and I've never felt that way before.

Ive been with more than I'm willing to admit of girls and I've always gotten bored but with y/n...I couldn't even look at another girl. She was all I thought about and I wanted her all the time, even when we do rarely fight I want her to be near. Just so I know she's okay.

These were all new and weird feelings but I was navigating through them, I wanted her forever and I wasn't going to let my chance slip away even if it ruined a few things I had lined up for my career. She was all I cared about since the day we met it's always been her.

"Shouldn't you be in the studio today?"

I smile over at the beauty, her hair softly caressing her face as the summer breeze swirls through the car. She chuckles as my own hair swirls and stands straight up. "No I pushed my time back so I could spend the day with you" I mumble rolling the windows up just slightly. "What's so special about today squish?" I gasp pretending to feel offended by her remark and she laughs.

"Today marks the first day I've ever met you, I'm surprised you never caught on cause I literally do this every year on this day. I just never tell you what we are celebrating"

Her eyes sparkle as she takes in my words and I chuckle grabbing for her thigh, if her dress was an inch higher you'd be able to see my love marks. That made me happy for some sick reason, she had to take her time in covering the exposed ones on her neck and upper breasts with make up.

"Is that why you always randomly take me out here? How come you never told me we were celebrating that"

With that I get a slap to the arm and I laugh pulling down the familiar dirt road. "To be honest I thought if I ever told you you'd think it's stupid or childlike so I always just tell you I wanted to spend time with you" she smiles softly and leans over to kiss my cheek quickly. Even simple gestures like this make my heart beat and my stomach feel butterflies.

I park and open her door before grabbing the picnic basket we had packed. Hand in hand we walk to a clearing we used to play at when we were younger, it's over grown with flowers and it looks beautiful. I hear her gasp when she sees what I have set up at our tree.

"Jungkook...I can't believe you did all this"

I smile seeing her take off towards the tree, I had my assistant come and set up a little something special for us. I chuckle seeing y/n plop down on the array of different pillows and cushioned mat.

"This is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me"

I smile placing the basket on the small low table before leaning down and meeting her lips. "Anything for you baby girl"

The afternoon from that point on flys by as we eat, take pictures and laugh about all the dumb shit we used to do. I'm surprised when she tells me about all the times she was tempted to just give in and be with me, I never knew that all the flirting I did really did have an effect on her.

It made me happy that I was always secretly on her mind just like she was on mine. I turn on our song and she laughs "I remember when you first claimed this to be our song, you were so dorky with your mushroom haircut"

"Hey it was the style!"

"A horrible one but you still looked cute to me I guess...I wanted to kiss you that night but I went against my better judgment"

I tsk pulling her back into my lips, she smiles and happily kisses me back as we slowly dance to the stupid song.

When she pulls away I suddenly start to feel nervous "Guess I've always loved you squish" she mumbles looking up at me, my heart is racing as I look back at her "I know I've always loved you, even at five I knew how special you were to me"

I mumble resting my forehead against hers. She smiles and closes her eyes as we continue to slowly sway with the song. I fumble with the ring I had in my hand and try to place it on her finger as we stay in the moment.

Her eyes open and she looks over as I place the familiar ring that her mother once wore on her finger. She gasps and pulls her hand from me

"Jungkook how did you..."

I smile grabbing her hands again and kissing them.

"Your um dad gave it to me, well he gave it to my dad before he passed and told him to give it to me if I ever got the courage to ask you..."

I take a deep breath and get down on my knee, her hands start to shake as she smiles down at me.

I feel my own hands shaking as I try to find the words I wanted to say, I had this all planned out and knew what I was going to say but seeing her before me all my thoughts leave me in an instant.

"Will you marry me?"

She cries and I feel panicked but then she smiles and my heart starts to race

"I loved you for so long y/n and I know you think we are moving too fast but I don't think we are...we've both been in love with each other for years and I know you better than anyone else as you do me. I know I can't live my life without you so please say yes, we don't even have to get married right away I just-"

I'm happily cut off by her lips as she leans down and kisses me, I kiss her back and hold her close. She pulls back just enough to whisper those sweet words to me.

"Yes...yes Jungkook I'll marry you"


Aw a happy ending
See not all my endings
Are hope you
Enjoyed now don't forget
To check out my new story
Guardian! First chapter will
Be posted today

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