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About a week-ish later. Virgil and Roman were now back at their shared apartment.

"Thank you, Roman. For driving me to go see my grandma," Virgil said.

"Of course, Love," Roman said. He was holding Virgil, who was crying a little, in his lap. They found out, the day after they got back from their visit to Virgil's grandma, that she had passed. "I'm sorry, about your grandma."

"It's not your fault. She was getting old and was very sick, it was bound to happen," Virgil said, wiping his eyes. Roman hated that he didn't know how to cheer Virgil up. "I'm just glad I was able to see her before it happened."

"Yeah," Roman kissed Virgil lightly. "It's late, we should get some rest."

"Yeah. Thank you for taking care of me. You do so much for me," Virgil said. "I don't deserve you."

Roman's eye twitch. "Yes, you do. You deserve everything," he basically growled, wiping away the tears on Virgil's face. Virgil was a little taken aback. "You deserve everything. You deserve to be happy, to be cared for, to have everything."

"I- I," Virgil wasn't sure what to say.

"I would do anything and everything to keep you safe, to keep you happy," Roman's voice was softer, though there was still a slight growling. His thumb glided across Virgil's bottom lip, then his jawline. "You're the only thing I need. You're everything I need."

Virgil's face was as red as a tomato, to say the least. He was at a loss for words, so he just leaned forward and hugged Roman tight. Roman wrapped his arms around, him holding on tight.

Some would have found what Roman said creepy, but to Virgil, it wasn't. It made him feel weirdly... safe... and loved. This might be because he hadn't been shown love from anyone other than his grandma before meeting Roman.

"I love you, Roman," Virgil whispered. His face was buried in Roman's neck/shoulder. "Forever."

"I love you, Virgil. Forever." Roman responded. 'My Virgil. Forever mine... Mine... Mine... Mine...' Roman snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed the light breathing from Virgil as well as the extra weight. He fixed his hold on the now sleeping Virgil, stood up, and made his way to their bed. 'Sleep well, my Virgil. You're mine forever. Forever mine...' 

(389 words.) 

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