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i'm not done playing with y'all just yet.

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"YOU LYING LITTLE SLIME!" Miya screamed at the top of his lungs. Facing Reki's cowardly figure running towards the exit of the hospital SHADOW stayed at.

Miya had his hands clamped in a fist, vigorously shaking as he tried to contain the rage and sorrow he felt after that interaction.

His mind then draws back to his initial reason why he visited the hospital. SHADOW was unconscious. And Miya, yet again, was seeing someone he found comfort with, feeling a whole lot of pain. He was furious. He finally found a home in such an arbitrary but fun group of skaters. But fate wasn't necessarily on Miya's side. When has it ever?

He turned around, now facing the elevator. He slammed his fist on the wall beside the elevator, a way to slightly rid of the anger he felt before visiting a close buddy. His teeth were gritted, attempting to stop his foul mouth from screaming various profanities in the somewhat melancholy hospital. And when he felt like he was finally calmed down, the catboy squatted in a position where his legs are folded, but he wasn't really sitting on the floor. Miya drowned his head in his hands, breathing in and out.

While you stood on the other side of the wall. Your mouth is covered with your right hand and chest held tightly by your left. Your eyes wide open, cursing your sensitivity to people you love being vulnerable. You closed your left hand in a fist. Thinking if you should approach the panicking catboy or go back silently to your own reality away from the distant skater.

After a few seconds of contemplating, you finally concluded with the latter. The both of you had not been on talking terms for a long time. So what's the point of building it all up again?

Your breathing calmed. And after just a single footstep away from the hospital's lobby, the loud clattering of bottles vibrated throughout the grey area. Your eyes locked at the rack right beside you, which was left unseen a few moments before since you focused on many unusual events on hand. Closing your eyes in irritation, you bent to recollect the fallen bottles.

As you were finishing up, a single plastic bottle was raised right in front of your eyes—held by a hand you knew all too well.

"Here," Miya had calmly said. His eyes and tone void of any energy nor emotion whatsoever.

"Ah, thank you," you mumbled. You hid your eyes from the skater. He shouldn't know that I'm here. Things have changed. I have absolutely no idea what Miya's up to right now.

You bowed in respect and thanks. Hastily turning back to the catboy and retreating back to the rather ominous hallway you came from.

"L/n," A familiar yearning voice called out to you.

You sighed, placing your palm on your head shaking it repeatedly. The heels of your sneakers slowly turned to your classmate, who you just have attempted to bail out on. Once the tip of your shoes has landed on the ground, your eyes met Miya's.

Those green eyes you were so used to admiring. Them once reminding you of emeralds that shined brighter than any star you had spent wishing on. But those crystals weren't the same ones you were staring at right now, no. These eyes were darker, someone who has evidently lost all sense of comfort. It wasn't the stars you were looking at. You felt like it was just a clear empty space. Staring endlessly on the black pupils of the eye, waiting for a single star to shine.

"Didn't expect to see you here," Miya started.

"Likewise," you curtly replied.

"Visitor?" Miya asked. His head leaning on the side while his hand tangled around his backpack's strap.

"Patient," you murmured.

So many things that you wish I knew, but the story of us might be ending soon.

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should i continue hurting y'all?

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