"Saint..what would you like?", Zee asked unaware of the storm he's about to see, the girl looked at him and he smiled, a smile that instead of feeling good about it, the girl felt chills on her spine.

"I'll get the same set as you, P'", Saint replied,rolling his eyes off Zee. Zee looked at the girl and nodded, hiding the smile that's starting to get painted on his face. He looked at pouting, sulking, maybe jealous man in front of him. He decided to rub his foot on Saint's to get his eyes back on him. "What?",

"Are you jealous, Suppapong?", Zee whispered as he leaned towards the table.

"I'm not..", Saint replied and looked back to the garden.

"Saint..", Zee then looked at the approaching girl who attended them earlier. "Saint look at me naa..", Saint turned his head to look at Zee but the moment he did, he was pulled by Zee and captured his lips. Saint's eyes widen unexpecting the sudden kiss, but he didn't miss the widen eyes of the girl standing just in front of them. Zee soon broke the kiss and giving Saint a teasing smile. "Don't be jealous naa..", Saint blinked twice, taking a deep breath evident on how his chest go up for a bit.

"Uh, I'm sorry..",

"Uhm..sir. Here's your order.", The girl now avoided any touchy movements on Zee. The two of them now enjoyed their meal for a quick lunch break. The two of them decided not to stay longer there anymore and drive back to the university to attend their own classes.

"Thanks for the lunch,P'", Saint trailed unfastening his seatbelt. "It's delicious",

"You're no longer mad at me, right?", Zee caressed Saint's right cheek.

"I'm not mad, P'. I just don't like the way she's being too close to you.", Saint honestly replied. "I'm sorry",

"It's okay", Zee smiled.

"Hm, I gotta go now. I have to find a comfortable seating on the class, P'Mixx and P'Jimmy is not my classmates.",

"Okay.. call me when your class is done, I'll drive you home",

"Khub..", Saint smiled and turned his back opening his door. He soon came out and paid a wave to Zee before he disappeared in the corner.


Mixxiw's currently on his part time job at a cafe. He's busy checking his orders when a knock on fingers disturbed him. The moment he raised his head up, a smiling Earth surprised him.

"Ow! P'Earth.", Mixxiw exclaimed, rubbing his chest that's already fluttering.

"Oh, did I scare you?",

"No, you startled me..", Earth gave Mixxiw a smile. "Are you gonna order?"

"No, I came to visit someone..",

"Oh?", Mixxiw dropped his smile.

"But it's seems that he's really busy for the meantime.",

"Oh? Who..",


"Me?", Mixxiw pointed himself.

"Yeah, let's hang out. I heard you don't have class today, so let's hang-out",

"Hmm... I'm still on shift but maybe..",

"I can wait..", Earth grinned that made Mixxiw's face flame up. The two of them stared at each other unaware of the phone intentionally clicking pictures of them, channelling unto the other side.

"Urmm..", Jimmy cleared his throat approaching the two of them with tray on his hand. "No flirting in the middle of work", Mixxiw immediately glared at Jimmy.

"Oh, you're here too?", Earth leaned back.
"Obviously..", Jimmy smirked.

"Wanna join too?",

"No.. I'm not someone who ruins someone elses date, you know..", Jimmy smirked.
"It's not a date.", Mixxiw glared.

"Oh, is it not?", Jimmy playfully arched his brows up. Earth smiled at him. "Argh!", He groaned that made Earth chuckled.


Saint's now walking towards the library. He couldn't get any happier seeing a picture of his brother and Mixxiw, though he got scolded for using phone on class. Maybe he doesn't need his help, his working on Mixxiw on his own. He sighed.

"Saint..", Saint almost let go of his books when someone suprised him from the back.


"I saw you alone so I thought walking with you. Are you heading towardsthe library?",

"Khub..", Saint smiled.

"By the way, congratulations", Saint looked at him with a puzzled face.

"About what, P'?",

"Hey... You and Zee..",

"Ahh..", Saint''s face immediately flame up.

"Do you know that you're the first relationship he had?",


"He didn't tell you..", Tommy nervously laughed. "Is he being too cheesy? How was it? Dating a grumpy man?",

"Oh", Saint laughed in return. "Cheesy, that's understatement P', I actually can't see the strict Professor Panich who sent us out on my first class... he's way cheesier than me P'",

"I wonder..", Tommy looked at Saint with a teasing smile. "Anyways, I can see how happy Zee is, I hope your happy too.",

"I'm happy too,P', more than happy", Saint smiled cheekily.

"That's good..", Tommy remarked. "Though, I'm with friends with Zee for a long time, if he made you cry, I'll really kick his ass.",

"He's older than you,you can't do that..",

"Sometimes, older people needs scolding too.",

"Then, I can scold you too?", Saint returned the favor.

"What will you scold me?",

"Hmm.. like ...", Rejecting my friend when it's obvious that you love him too, Saint thought to himself.

"Yeah?", Tommy queried but was answered by Saint's grin.

"Nothing...", Saint replied, but Tommy was taken aback with his grin for he knew there's meaning behind it.

Chapter 21 done!
Sorry late update.
See ya💕

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