Chapter 10

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Lisas P.O.V
After work Simon and Jannes called me up and said they wanted to meet at the old café I used to work at.

I walked in and saw Liam working at the cashier. When he saw me he flinched and ran to the back. 2 seconds later another person came to the cashier insisted of him.

"Lisa!" I hear my name and turn to see Simon and Jannes waving at me. I smiled and walk over to sit with them.

The slid a phone to me. I gave them a questioning look but picked it up to see the headline.

Could the mystery girl be the new gamble queen?

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and then passed to phone back to Jannes.
"Guys I'm so s—"
"Wait wait wait you're going to apologize to us? Your kidding right? You're dating Jeon Jungkook himself. It's honor to just be breathing your air madam" Simon bowed his head and I laughed.

"This is crazy, how'd you do it?" Jannes said leaning forward interested.
"It was the day I went with you to Rubyrose, when I went to the bathroom I saw him"
"You saw the gamble king in the ladies room?" Simon laughed
"It's more complicated than that" I awkwardly laughed.

"I got a new job at one of his charity's it's called tales heart charity" Jannes said
"Really? What do they do?" I listened to her explain that it was a charity to protect animals that need help. I wish Jungkook told me about these things and I wouldn't have to find out from others.

"I can show you a tour of the building I work at?" Jannes offered.
"You think that would be ok with your other workers?" I asked unsure and she laughed
"I think they'll be excited to have you there so don't worry about it. Finish your coffee and then we can leave" she smiled and I nodded.

While I was enjoying my coffee I looked outside and somebody was hiding behind a tree looking at me. I couldn't make out the persons face but by there body I can figure out that it's a man.

"Lisa" I hear my name and I snap out of it and look down to see my hands trembling holding the mug while hot coffee spilled down my hands. They helped me wipe it. My hands remained burned, red and swollen.

I look back at where the man was hiding and he was gone. I'm guessing this is the same man that has been following me for some time now.

We left the café and I gave Simon and a long hug.
"I miss hanging out with you" he said and I frowned and pulled away to stare at him.
"We'll hang out again soon I promise" I smiled and Jannes and I parted ways with him.

"How'd you get the job?" I asked as we started to walk there.
"I walked in and told everyone I knew you"
I frowned
"I'm joking, Jungkook talked to me himself and told me I seem like a good worker"
I smiled to myself thinking about how well Jungkook gets along with all the people that work at his charities.

When we walked in the lady at the front desk quickly came running to me.
"Ms. Manoban it's amazing to have you here, would you like Wine? Coffee? Tea?"
"I'm good thank you....... lily" I looked down at her name tag and she blushed.
"Please I insist let me get you something"
"Just water with lemon would be good, thank you" I said and she nodded and quickly went away.

I turned to Jannes who had her arms crossed against her chest with a smirk on her face.
"You already sound like a queen Ms. Lisa"
"Shut up" I laughed.

Jannes took me upstairs and showed me her office and everyone was crowded around us amazed to have me there. She tried to explain to me the kind of work she does but everyone's chattering didn't let me listen much.

"Here you go Ms. Lisa" Lily came to me with my water and I slightly bowed my head and thanked her.
"Thank you Lily I'll make sure to tell Jungkook about how generous you were with me"
She smiled and left.

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