Not able to contain my sobs our bodies shake as we hold each other, "Please Kia," He cups my cheeks gazes into my eyes, "You are my wife and I know we have been through so much over the years but I love you. You have given me two beautiful children and I need my soul mate," His tears are free falling down over his cheeks.

Pulled outta his soft grip to take Drake from his seat, "I'm going home I need time to think things through," I said as I walked towards the door to call Kyra. "Kia, stop running from me and look at me." His tone is raised but also demanding.

Turned to face him with Drake on my hip, "Miles, I'm scared," He steps in front of me taking Drake from my arms and taking me in his spare arm pulling me tight to him as he kisses my head. "Kia, I know you are afraid and so am I. I'm afraid I will lose you forever and I'm not ready to lose you for good. Please, babe, I will be with you," Closed my eyes thinking about what he said, and he's not listening to me.

Tried to smile but it just wouldn't come, "I should bath Drake," I said taking him from Miles and stepping over to the stairs. I have nothing more to say because he's not listening to me, so what is the point in talking to him?


It's after lunch, and the guys are on the jet skies and the girls are sunbathing. I'm with Kyra and Drake, getting ready to go for a walk through the woods to take Kyra on an adventure. 

Wanted to do something special for the children and get Kyra involved in looking for the wildlife. "Kyra, are you ready?" "Yes, mummy," Smiled at her and we leave for a walk in the woods.

It's peaceful and the smell of warm pine filled the air as we walked through the trees, "Kyra, look," We stop to watch a few deers eating the grass. "You have to be very quiet or they will run away," We sit watching for a short while. "Mummy, why don't we see them at home?" "It's much too noisy during the day, but at night they would come out to feed," I respond.

We left the deers eating as we walked further into the woods, trying to see as much as we could. 

This is giving me time to think and to calm myself down from the heated discussion I had with Miles. 

We sit in a clearing to have a picnic and talk about what we've seen so far as I fed Drake. 

Glanced around me with thoughts this is how I spend much of my time at home because Miles is always working. 

We haven't spent time together as a family in such a long time I really can't remember the last time. 

My eyes trailed to Drake as he's getting his bellyful and smiled, "Drake, your teeth are not helping," Kyra laughed. "Mummy, why didn't daddy come?" "Daddy, needed some guy time with your uncles." Smiled at her. She stands to walk over to a tree and picks up a few leaves. Not taking my eyes from her for fear she could get lost.

After Drake finished, I changed him and settled him back into the harness around me, "Kyra, are you ready to explore a little more?" "Yes, mummy," She said, stepping beside me and taking my hand so we could begin walking again.

The sun is slowly going down and we are losing daylight, so we make our way back to the cabin after having a day filled with seeing nature. 

Holding Kyra's hand as we walked back through the trail we took but it doesn't look familiar. 

My heart is pounding with fear I have gotten us lost but I can't show the fear to Kyra or panic it would upset her.

Stopped to take my phone from my pocket to ring Miles and get no answer and I tried a few times but no answer. 

Take a deep breath and looked at Drake who is sleeping, "Kyra, hold my hand baby," Take her hand and we walk a short distance when my phone rings. "Kia, I was in the shower are you back?" "No, Miles we are not. I have no idea where the hell we are," "Kia, put your GPS on and I will find you. Stay where you are and don't move," He hangs up, and I put the GPS on so he can find us.

Sit on the fallen tree trunk holding Kyra tight to me, "Daddy is on his way to us," "Mummy are we lost?" She asked. "Yes, baby we are but daddy is coming," Kissed the top of her head but she doesn't seem fazed by it. 


It's getting dark fast and being in the woods is not helping because it's pitch black with no lights or anything around us to give us light.

Could see flashlights coming from ahead of us when Miles walks closer taking me in his arms and Kyra, "You were not that far from the track just a few hundred feet," He said with a smile as he picks Kyra up in his arms to carry her. 

We walked back not saying a word or glancing at each other. It's been a weird day filled with so much uncertainty, and I have thought about everything that is going on in our lives.

Reached the cabin and went straight to our room to bathe the children and to settle Drake for the night. Kyra went downstairs to have something to eat while I sit on the bed reading my book.

The door opens and Miles steps in with a plate of food for me, "Miles, thank you for finding us. I guess we got too carried away and got lost." "You are safe and back in the warmth. Kyra said she enjoyed herself but asked if I would come next time." He places the plate on the side table.

Closed my book to gaze at him, "Miles, I know you work hard and I will explain to Kyra why you can't join us." He stands at the foot of the bed with his hands in the pockets of his shorts. "Kia, I know I work a lot and I spend little time with you when you take the children out, but I want that to change. I want us to do things as a family," "Miles, it's fine," Placed my book on the side by the plate and stand.

Stepped over to the bathroom but before entering I glance at Miles, "Miles, you have a business that needs your attention and I remember how hard it was to juggle what little free time you get. Before Kyra was born we only used to see each other at the weekends so I know how hard it is." I said opening the bathroom door.

He shakes his head, "Kia, why don't you take back your company? It belongs to you and you wouldn't struggle week after week," "Miles, you won it fair and square and I want nothing to do with it. I enjoy working at the coffee shop three times a week it gives me just enough to cover the bills." Stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

Just don't want to get into the argument over money, which always happens when he brings up about the business I used to own.

Showered dried slide my nightshirt on and brush my teeth, "Kia, I'm going to sit with the guys by the lake to have a few drinks," Miles shouts from the bedroom as I open the door. Shrug my shoulders as I stepped towards the bed. "Kia, babe," His soft voice makes me stare at him.

He moves closer filling the gap and taking me in his arms bending me as he smothers me in kisses and makes me giggle. "I love you and you are one sexy fucking hot babe," He tells me as he presses his lips on mine. "Miles, babe I love you and you are sexy now spend some time with the guys and I'll see you when you come to bed," We kissed, and he places me on the bed.

Watched him leave the room as I grab my book to read but the door flies open and he steps in kicking the door to close, "Told the guys I was spending the evening with my wife," He stands at the bottom of the bed stripping off his clothes and leaping on the bed at me making me giggle.

My god, Miles is sexy, and he takes me making love to me for hours.




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