Events Log Two

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Nick had no idea what to do next.

He was trembling in fear and in anticipation, grinning wildly.

"George!" Nick radioed, "Did you hear that?"

At that moment Dr. Davidson walked through the door, his sunglasses somehow reflecting his angry expression.

"You spoke to it." He muttered, lab coat flaring out behind him with an invisible breeze.

"Yeah!" Nick smiled, grabbing his pen and paper.

The Subject has shown signs of sentiency! It has given itself a name, and mimicked my own speech!

"You had no idea how it would react!" George spat, "It could have killed you! Does that thought never freaking come across your mind?"

"Well yeah—"

"I already have one dead teammate!" George cried, before rushing out of the decontamination room.

One dead teammate?

Nick would have to investigate that later.

Darryl ran up to Nick excitedly, and a rush of incomprehensible science jargon followed could only be described as fangirling.

Nick met Darryl's eyes, he looked more tired than when he'd gone off to the control room.

But that was only a matter of minutes ago—

"What's up with Davidson?" Zak asked, breaking the stream of nerd-speak.

"That's just George," Nick sighed, "I'll ask him about it later. Not that I'm going to get anything out of him, but I'll try."

"Do I need to release Halo back into the room?" Darryl smiled.

"Halo?" Zak said incredulously.

"Yeah, SCP-3812. Little buddy and I have gone through so much together, thought I'd give him a name. Halo just seemed right, remember when he just sat on my head and wouldn't come off for a week?"

Zak looked uneasy, "You've been exposed to that thing a lot, Darryl."

"It's not a thing," Darryl grinned, tapping the glass of Halo's carrying cage. "At least I didn't name it Mr. Squeegy—"

"Not this fish shit again," Zak grumbled, pressing his hands to his temples. "Look, I'm sorry, I've told you,"

"Zak I'm just teasing you... you do enough to me." Darryl's face was pleasant, but his eyes told a different story.

Nick left them to their quarrel, returning to his desk and pulling out a tape recorder. He didn't think he could say everything he needed to say on paper.


"This is Dr. Armstrong, Site 143, Humanoid Research section. Today we made a breakthrough with SCP 534, found proof of sentience and even spoke with the SCP."

He paused the tape.

Something told him that he shouldn't tell the SCP Foundation 534's name.


What is wrong with me?

He resumed the recording.

"The subject interacted with me for a minute or two, and did not seem to have malicious intentions towards me. Dr Noveschosch accompanied me to the decontamination chamber, where he recalled the Thaumiel Class, and left. I proceeded into the containment unit, where the SCP seemed to be sitting."

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