
Start from the beginning

"Look I-I," Jenny tried to explain but was ultimately stopped by Christina hand gesturing for the girl to stop talking. As she turned to her locker, placing her school binders neatly in "Jenny, you and I are friends right?" the girl gave out a quick response, silently praying to god that Christina doesn't kill her or worse make her an outsider. "And friends keep each other secrets, right?" The Bass turns around giving the girl a sweet smile "Which means you won't tell anyone about what you saw, because if you do I will have no choice but to make you and your brothers life a living hell."

Christina shuts her locker and walks closer to the girl who tried to make herself as small as humanly possible. "Unlike Blair I truly have unlimited resources and power at my disposal, So I'd mind my business if I was you. Are we clear little J?" Christina didn't always like threatening people, yes it was fun but in situations like these it was necessary. "Not so fast Cinderella, I think you left this at the ball." She waves the diamond bracelet chuck handed to her, "Now you have a great day." Christina walks away leaving the girl petrified yet slightly relieved.

Jenny Humphrey's rise to the penthouse has been short and sweet, but if she crosses the Bass, it's straight back to the basement. Looks like this little lamb needs to stay silent, or else.


"So," Blair announced, S, B and C were sitting on the courtyard steps for lunch. "We heard on gossip girl that you were having sex with Dan out here in a streaming video" they were sharing the box of chocolate Nate gave her "Ugh! God, Kati and Is filmed us?" Serena rests her head on the railing behind her. "Oh, it's all very high school musical scandalous,"

"And, no," Christina calmed "They haven't streamed it yet, but from what I was told, it was definitely.... Aggressive" the girls laughed, when Blair and Christina were first told this in their history class they didn't believe Kati and Is but then they gave a sneak peak that made their jaws drop. "I must say, Dan has been surprisingly good at everything we've done." Serena informed her two best friends.

"Which is... Everything?" Both Christina and Blair hinted at, Serena looked appalled that Blair would think that she expected it from Christina "No but feel free to ask personal questions." the brunette duo glanced at each other

"You've talked about it, right?"

"You've seen it, right?"

Serena looked mortified. The brunettes didn't understand why she's acting like Mother Teresa. Normally her and whatever boyfriend she had at the time would've done the deed already, but surprisingly she's taken it slow. "Wow, Thee Serena van der Woodsen is being the queen of celibacy. Tough luck Blair." Blair gives Christina a playful shove as Serena laughs "But to answer Blair's question, no we haven't."

"This is your first real boyfriend, S. and in relationships, you talk about this stuff." Blair reminds the girl, knowing that she has zero experience with an actual loving relationship "But, I don't know, sometimes talking about or planning it can ruin a good thing, you know." Blair features saddened as she thought about the failure of a scavenger hunt "I would know, but as long as you're not worried." Christina's phone began to ring as she opened up to see the message she'd been waiting for all day. "I have to go, it's time to pitch Bart my plan." she gets up hugging both of her best friends as they individually send their support


Arthur drops Christina at the front of Victrola, she spots her father at the front at the front entrance waiting for her "Christina, it's good to see you and your brother finally joining the family business." He greets her with a formal hug, it doesn't last long and was slightly uncomfortable seeing as how they don't typically do that. "Good to see you as well father, this will be a great way to introduce Bass industries to the female eighteen to thirty market."

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