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Wakiya: Valt what do u think about lemons?😏

Valt: Lemons are...... fruit or vegetable🙁?

Wakiya: Innocent 

Shu: Vegetables are also fruits. So, about lemons..... lemon is a kind of citrus that contains different kinds of acids, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. It has a large amount of Citric acid and some vitamins such as- vit-B1, vit-B2, vit-B5, vit-B6 etc are also present.

Shu: All in all, lemons are healthy🙂

Honcho: .......Shu.........srsly? 

Shu: Did I say anything wrong?😧😧😧

Honcho: Lemons are NOT healthy!

Shu: No, they ARE healthy!!!

Wakiya: Here I thought..... only Valt was innocent😐

Wakiya: Now what I'm seeing...... I HAVE NO WORDS!!!🤐🤐🤐

Shu: what do u mean?😟

Wakiya: ......

Shu: Hey! Tell me!!!!😡

Honcho: Lui will explain it to ya, He's savage typed u know😏

Wakiya: So, he can explain things better

Shu: But what's the connection between lemons and being savage??!😐

Honcho added Lui to the chat group

Lui: Who the hell added me to this stupid chat grp!!!!🤬🤬🤬

Lui: I'm leaving!🤬

Lui left the chat group

Wakiya added Lui to the chat group

Lui: WTF!!!!🤬🤬🤬


Wakiya: Stop ur whatever complaints and scroll a few chats. You'll know...

Lui: tsk!

Shu: Read the chats plz. They said you'll teach me better...

Lui: O---kay

Wakiya: U done?
Wakiya: I've got works to do. Bye

Honcho: me too, bye🤗 

Lui: 🤣🤣🤣🤣I ----🤣 Kurenai you!!! You're so innocent🤣

Shu: Why is everyone making fun of me?!😡😡😡

Lui: So, u wanna know, huh~😏

Lui: Come to my house at 8:00 pm tomorrow, I'll show u😌 what lemon is

Shu: Oh! Really?!!!

Lui: Sure. Why not?😌

Shu: But.......Why at night?🙁

Lui: Bcz u'll have more fun in learning it at night

Shu: Huh?😦 Does that have any logic?

Shu: Anyways, what books should I bring? A note copy and Plants encyclopedia? Will that do?🙂

Lui: just come

Shu: Okay!

10 mins later~

Wakiya: I'm back!

Wakiya: 😶Lui, u.........

Wakiya: SHU, DON'T U DARE GO!!!!

Wakiya: SHU

Wakiya: SHU

Wakiya: SHU

Wakiya: SHU

Honcho: Argh! Goldilocks! u're blowing up my phn with msges! 

Wakiya: That's not my name!!!

Honcho: On mY!!!!!! 

Honcho: SHUUUU! Don't go!

Valt: 46 unread!😱 Let's read

Valt: Shu, you're visiting Lui's house!!!! Count me in!!!

Lui: No need, Valt😑

Valt: Please Lui!!! I wanna go too! 

Wakiya: Here I warned not to go and they are......



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