"What I meant was a black person that acts white. Your dad is the type of person that dresses to impress white people. I don't blame him though, with what he be making makes me consider it," he exclaimed as we got into the car. 

"I mean but isn't that basically breaking the system. Don't African Americans admire each other for their achievements in this type of society," I questioned him. "I mean yeah, but he doesn't have to act white all the time. There are black people that come around in the area. We automatically get cool and comfortable around each other. The blackest I have ever seen yo' dad act was when he was possessed by Stinkmeaner," Riley said pulling out of his parking space as we started down the road.

"Who's Stinkmeaner?" I asked him. "I'm not sure if you remember but he was this old blind man that was careless of his surroundings and would usually shout out the word nigga," he said as I had to think about it. Then the image of had popped up in my head. 

"Oh, I remember him, he made me not ever want to volunteer at the old folks' home again. I think he kept purposely hitting me with his staff," I said tearing up at the thought of him hitting swinging it at my legs, and stumping it on my favorite shoes. 

"Yeah, that's him! But since we're getting off-topic, you and my brother kept fucking didn't y'all?" he smirked. "Riley, what makes you keep thinking that Huey and I are still messing around?" I asked as he started to snicker.

"There are so many reasons, I don't even know where to begin. First, there was when I guess you guys were going out because he was actually trying to look nice.

 Second, Ruckus told my grandad that he raped an innocent white girl in the parking lot, which we all knew wasn't true. 

Third, was Christmas Eve where you had given him that gift that he liked. 

Fourth, was when Grandad and I came back and before you left he gave you a kiss which means y'all fucked.

 Fifth, was when you decided to be slick at the basketball court and bend it over for him; yeah like I didn't see that. 

Sixth, was when you guys mysteriously came from somewhere on Valentine's Day with bags, and on top of that, he had to carry you inside of your house, which means he must of went to town on you. 

Seventh was during the Black History Celebration when you guys were in that room together probably doing a quicky. 

Then recently was our occasional game night when he was about to punch Ceasar again. I'm surprised nobody didn't notice you two had sex during that time because y'all both were looking at each other screen and when they started to mention Aaliyah I had saw yo' face turn a little green. Then you had left after that and when Huey came back he looked mad and sad at the same time," he said explaining everything that happened with Huey and me. 

I didn't even notice we pulled up in the mall. "Wow, how do you keep up with all of this? I wouldn't be surprised if you named all the girls Ceasar had smashed," I said laughing at that last part. "Please that nigga don't smash every girl. He flirts with a lot of them, but he hadn't been doing anything since a girl had accused him of giving her HIV. Turns out Ceasar never spoke to or fucked with the girl," he said pulling up into a parking space. 

"Yeah, I can't blame some of the girls he went out with for being jealous of me," I said now thinking about it. "Why you say that?" he asked suspiciously looking at me. "Because for one he's got the looks, the personality, he ain't bad of a kisser, and his mom taught him how to treat a lady," I said making Riley snicker. 

"Girl you better be lucky my brother did not hear you say any of that. He would have tried to assassinate Ceasar," he said. "Yeah about that, why does he keep accusing me of fooling around with Ceasar?" I questioned. 

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