Part 2 of Spyslut

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Warnings: Uhm- Janus 'gets off' on bEinG huNted? Primal prey and predator play?, I guess it's voyeurism too cause ReMus is just listening in the background of the earbud like 🧍‍, cult mentionings still and murder mention but just like oh these fuckers gonna die oops,  uh bitiNg kinK? Is that a kink? Idk but bitEs- not a warning but the twins do be appreciating/loving Janus's hip dips 😌 , cliff hanger not really idk cause lmao I'm tired.

Literally the whole reason why the warnings are so big is cause I ramble I'm so sorry 💀

My humor has blossomed can't yoU teLL?💀
Words: 1,205

Recap from last story: Janus whined in eagerness at the way he talked, but then both looked at him. "Who do you want, Janus? Me or Emile?" Patton hissed out, before Emile whispered something to Patton. "Or maybe..Maybe you want both of us?~ Which will it be Janus?" Patton asked patiently.


Janus looked between the two, it was a tough decision for sure, but after quickly thinking about the cons and pros, he smiled. "B-both of you.." was his answer, looking at them with an innocent look. The brothers gave a chuckle, both of their hands laying on Janus's thigh. "Though...I have one thing that I insist happens.." Janus trailed on. The two now looking at him curiously.

"First off... you both consent to doing this right?~" he asked them, and they couldn't help but smile at the care he had to make sure. "Of course!" Emile said while Patton nods with a chuckle. "Secondly. It takes me feeling like I'm being hunted to actually, get excited you know?" He explained, it was a lie of course but they'd believe it.

The two gave a nod, "Of course, we can do that for ya perfectly, now why don't you run along the halls..our bedrooms are the big pink and blue doors got it doll? You can go in mine-it's much softer~" Emile cooed, giving Janus a lingering kiss before sending him off, a few grumbles coming from Patton about how his room was soft too. Patton and Emile sat not so patiently as they watched Janus run off towards the hall and their rooms. This would be fun. Janus was running away from the door however , speaking to Remus from his earbud.  He glanced at the door for a second before continuing on.

"You're in? Cool! Okay so you need to find a painting of their dad- he's gonna have a monocle and blonde hair or something-hAh he's got a mustache like mine too- mines better fucker" Remus explains/rambled while Janus runs down the hall in search for the painting. He looked behind him just to make sure, his heart beating quickly. "ReMus shut the fuCk uP and focus-" he hissed into his earbud.

"Bossy bossy- okay you find anything yet?" He asked the other, Janus huffing before running a bit more and finally cutting a corner and going down a hall, turning around and not seeing the twins- thank god- then kept going the way he was going. At the end of said hall he found the painting, "Got it- Dilf with the monocle and a ugly ass mustache- what now?" He asked him as he stared at it.

The man on the earbud scoffed, offended "hEy- uGh- okay so you see the frame? There should be a red gem, a yellow, and a blue one on it- press it in the order of blue twice, red once, and yellow four times." Remus explained to him. A small snicker came from Janus "Oh wonderful, the primary color gang-" he mumbled before pressing the gems as Remus said to in the order and shit. The painting split one like some kind of door, and a small opening was revealed to have a little piece of paper in it.

Janus grabbed it quickly and used the camera pin that was on his dress to get pictures of the list, it had names on it of the soon to be murdered victims of this dumb cult. He could hear Remus sitting up quickly to get the photos probably uploaded on the screen back at the base. However the small victory wouldn't be a long one, as Janus did not realize the twins were literally walking close to him this dumb ass bitch.

"Looks like Doll has found something he shouldn't." Came a hiss from Emile, appeared beside Janus to the left and grabbing onto the right side of his waist and his left wrist. "Very true brother dearest, it seems our little kitten turned out to be a little snake." The other twin,Patton, hissed, coming from the right. And like his twin. He grabbed the left side of Janus's waist, grabbing his right wrist. F u c k.

Janus let out a small gasp in panic, squirming in the grasps of the twins,"HaH..uH- nOooT what it looks like?" He told them nervously. The two just gave him a glare which was fair- The twins were silent for a second, glancing at each other and nodding like they had a plan. Oh no they did didn't they? Janus yelped when he felt the twins let go of his waist and instead started leading him towards the bedrooms he passed earlier. "You won't get out of here that's for sure, but you won't get away without getting what we deserve." Emile hummed.

Oh great, this was lovely, he was just fUCked wasn't he? Yea. Janus felt one of them pick him up and he clinged to them, hearing another bicker about the fact the other was holding him- sounded like Emile bickering- huH Patton was strong then..that was kinda h-. His thoughts were interrupted when he was thrown onto a bed, Jesus Christ this was a soft bed. "As angry as we are- you still waNt to do this right?" The twins asked in unison, Emile quietly piping in with a "jinx!" causing Patton to grumble and roll his eyes.

Cute, murderous yet thoughtful hot ass twins, just great huh? Janus gave a small nod and chuckled,"Yes I'm sure, do your worst you two." He said calmly. Yea good job dumbass- Patton wasted no time in attacking the man's neck with bites and kisses, Emile instead decided to give Janus a long kiss, making Janus whine at both of their actions, one of the twins had their hands rubbing his sides but he couldn't figure out which one.

They both pulled away and panted, Patton starting to undress Janus and himself once he got the okay from Janus, Emile just taking off his top and bottoms, he'd keep his boxers on for now. "Ohh Emi... look at these hip dips!" Patton said, the twin looking and the two aweing over them, caressing them and Janus's thighs as well. Janus couldn't help but blush honestly, stupid sappy ass murder twins- "G..get on with already, you're both acting like you're about to have an orgasm from my hip dips and I want something to fill me." He said calmly.

"So are you two going to do anything about it?"

Oh they did something about it alright. They had the bed rocking for the whole night and Janus moaning till the sun rose.

Good thing Virgil didn't do this mission.


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