16. Leaving

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As destruction and smoke still smoke still covered the Glade. People started to gather round to see the banishing of the two newest Greenies. Athena walked up just as Gally finished crossing Alby's name off on the wall, minutes later a builder was pulling Teresa and two were carrying an unconscious Thomas. Making it to the pole the two boys dropped Thomas onto the floor and the other still held Teresa as Gally walked forward. "This is such a waste," Gally spoke, returning his knife to his belt. Athena already being stood there Minho casually walked up and stood by Teresa's side of the crowd Newt doing the same but on Thomas' and Athena stood behind Gally on the inner edge of the crowd.

"Gally!" Winston spoke up who was standing next to Jeff. Everyone looking at him, "It doesn't feel right, man"

"Ye, what if Thomas is right? Frypan spoke up walking next to Jeff.

"What if he can lead us home." Jeff continued.

"We are home." he started walking towards the three. "Ok? I don't want to have to cross anymore of those names off that wall."

"You really think banishing us is going to solve anything?" Teresa spoke up.

"No.But this isn't a banishing..., it's an offering." As he said that Teresa's hands were being held and tied up. Newt and Minho glanced at Athena hearing the new news only to see she had an unmoved expression. They could tell she already knew so they stayed how they were and looked back at the group.

"Gally! What are you doing?!" Teresa questioned.

"You really think I'm going to let Thomas back into the maze after what he's done?" he exclaimed. "Look around you. Look at our Glade. This is the only way."

As time started to tick Newt glanced over to Athena and Minho who were looking at him, sending the single to the two they looked back over. Chuck stands afar waiting with many bags and weapons. "And when the Grievers get what they came for," Gally cluelessly continued. "Everything goes back to the way it was."

"Are you listening to this? Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy." Teresa stated.

"Will you shut up?" Gally asked.

"If you stay here, the Griever is going to come back. They're going to come back and they're going to keep coming back." ignoring Gally, "Until you're all dead."

"Shut up!" Gally snapped, "Tie him up" he commanded, "Did you hear me I said tie him up!"

As the reluctant boys lifted Thomas off the ground Thomas suddenly elbowed one in the crotch and grabbed his spear and hit him to the ground with it. Before people could get to Thomas the group went into action. Minho grabbing the axe Athena lent him and hitting the guy holding Teresa to the ground, Newt drew out his machete and knocked out the second guy who was about to pounce at Thomas. And Athena pulled out the hidden knife in her hand and kicked the back on Gallys knee causing him to fall to the ground on them as she held the knife to the back of his neck. Frypan cut the ropes above Teresa releasing her and the group but Athena who was against Gally lined up at the entrance to the maze.

Slowly walking round the knelt down boy she tightly held the knife against his neck, "You've always been a bitch," Gally said to her.

"podría decir lo mismo de ti (Could say the same for you)" she replied with a sarcastic smile. As she backed up to the group and Gally returned to his feet, she put the knife in her belt and pulled out her sword ready for when they run into the maze.

Once Gally handed a sword to Teresa Gally shook his head, "You're full of surprises aren't ya?" he asked bitterly.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving." Thomas started as the group held their weapons at the group incase of an attack. "Anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance."

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