Chapter 34 - Runaway....

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know…” I said looking up to meet Alex’s eyes. More tears fell from my eyes and Alex just wrapped me in his arms.

“What’s going on?” Kylie’s voice said, I looked to my left and her mouth dropped, she ran to me and just hugged me. “You’re not going back there I don’t care what you say! Well get your stuff tomorrow when he’s at work…”

“Okay fine…” The whole day I stayed in the guest room just thinking about everything until my eyes got heavy and fell asleep on the comfy pillow that felt like a cloud.

**Alex’s POV**

**That Night**

“I can’t believe this is happening… AGAIN!” I said.

“I know, I just wish she would have said something so we could have helped earlier. What should we do?” Kylie asked in her soft cute voice.

“Well for now keep you and Kenny away from Derek and later we’ll think of something.” Kylie just nodded her head and laid down I turned off the light and soon we both fell asleep.

Buzz buzz

I felt my head vibrate but then realized my phone was under my pillow. Right now I just wondered who the hell could be texting me right now… I looked at my phone and saw it was from Austin… Of course he would text me so late.


Austin: I now this is really random but I need someone to talk to and you were just a text away so now I’m texting you but yeah … I’m not happy, with Meredith and I don’t know what to do… I was thinking stay with her longer and maybe that would change and I would be happy…

I could help but think maybe this is a sign… I might sound crazy but I know it is I just feel it!

Me: No dude if you’re not happy end it now it’s not fair to her or yourself

Austin: Alright thanks I know what I’m going to do!


Knowing Austin he’ll probably do the complete opposite then what I told him, he does it all the time. I put my phone down and laid my head back not being able to sleep so I just decided to keek until I felt I was tired.

**Next Morning**

**Kendra’s POV**

Right now Alex, Kylie and I are back at my house to get my stuff. We snuck in to see if Derek was home and checked everywhere and he wasn’t. We got tons of stuff in bags that was necessary to bring and left the things that weren’t important. We brought everything to Alex’s car before I realized I need to get my iphone. Kylie and I ran inside and Alex stayed in the car. We looked EVERYWHERE but couldn’t find it; we were looking for about 25 minutes until Kylie found it in the bathroom in the hamper.

In the car I checked my phone for missed calls or text. I had some missed calls and a couple texts from Taylor and other friend… Including Austin…

 I didn’t know if this text was either going to be positive or negative. I opened it and my eyes watered and a smile came across my face.


Austin: Hey! Umm I don’t know if it’s too late or not or if you even care anymore but I really miss you and I never stopped thinking of you. I knew I missed you and wanted you back the first day Meredith and I started dating but I thought that would change… But it didn’t. I hope you’re not mad or anything maybe we can start over again and be friends? :)

Me: Do you know how long I’ve waited to see a positive text like this? I would love to start over again!


I couldn’t stop smiling I looked like a cheesy weirdo sitting in the back seat of the car. I didn’t know whether to show Kylie and Alex now or later...

“Guys I’m going to read you something let me know what you think after…” I read the text and they started smiling with me…

“That’s so awesome! I’m happy for you guys Kenny!” Kylie said.

“Thanks Ky!”

“I knew you guys would start to talk again!” Alex said pulling up to his house. We unloaded everything from the car and went inside. I basically text Austin all day and we caught up on things but one thing I didn’t tell him about was Derek. I didn’t want to bring drama already.

[Sorry it's really late, I got writers block but thank god I got an idea and was able to type this chapter next one coming maybe tomorrow! VOTE PLEASE! Thanks for reading you guy's are amazing!]

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