Mistakes And Revelations pt.1

Start from the beginning

Liam gave Harry a friendly pat on the back before sitting down beside him without saying anything. Things between the two were almost always a little tense but they had never been that bad. It would fade out eventually like always though.

And just as the night before, they waited in an awkward silence until it was time to fight, the only difference being Niall's voice breaking the silence. Luckily Harry was in the first fight of the night and didn't have to wait that long.

As the same poor boy came to fetch Harry, Niall suddenly stood up and smacked his own forehead. "Shoot, almost forgot! Louis gave me somethin' to give ye."

And just like that, Harry's heart managed to both soar and sink. This could either be a token of forgiveness and friendship or something that would tell him to go fuck himself. Hopefully it would be the first.

Niall fished something up from his pocket and held out his hand, looking at Harry expectantly until Harry finally held out his own hand so Niall could drop the item in it.

Opening his palm to see what it was, Harry's mouth fell open.

It was a penny.

It was a fucking penny and Harry had no fucking idea what to make of it. Was it some kind of joke?

Harry's confusion must have showed on his face because Niall laughed loudly and patted Harry's shoulder. "For good luck y'know? A lucky penny. Man, ye should've seen yer face!" He faked wiping away a tear before continuing a little more seriously. "He also wanted me to tell ye to take care. Don't get too hurt and all that. Why he even cares about yer sorry arse, I don't know, but ye must've done somethin' right."

With another pat on the shoulder from Niall, Harry was pushed into the hallway, still staring dumbfounded at the penny in his palm. And if he, even for just a second, grinned like an idiot, no one had to know.

He tucked it into his pocket before making his way into the main hall where the roaring crowd was waiting. All his previous worries were gone. Nothing could stop him. He was so ready.

Apparently Simon hadn't bothered to show because it was one of his hired goons who did the usual introductions. This worked in Harry's favor though, after Louis not having accompanied him at the fight the previous night and again at the current one, Simon would have been suspicious. At least him not being there meant Harry had a little more time coming up with a story explaining why Louis probably wouldn't show until the finals.

But all that didn't matter now. What did, was that Harry had a fight to win. And with Louis' lucky penny burning in his pocket, there was no way he could lose.

Cracking his knuckles, Harry smirked at his opponent. This was going to be fun.

He let Cooper land the first punch to give him a false sense of having the upper hand, the punch connecting with his lower right rib, momentarily knocking the wind out of him. Okay, so Harry wasn't the only one getting useful information on his opponents. Christ, that hurt more than he thought it would. The bruise obviously hadn't been all healed.

This needed to end.

"Nice one," Harry breathed shakily with the smirk still on his face as they dances around each other, looking for the next opening. "You used your free hit well, usually they just go for the face."

Cooper just stared at him, clearly unimpressed. "Shut your mouth and fight," he growled, taking a jab at Harry, who nimbly dodged and followed up with a jab at Cooper's ribs. Nothing too harsh, just a little taste of what was coming.

Grinning smugly, Harry shrugged mockingly, "Alright then, but you asked for it." Before Cooper even had the time to react, Harry had landed two perfect hits across his ribs, effectively knocking the wind out of him like he had previously done to Harry, and leaving him stunned just long enough for Harry to follow up with another perfect hit on his right temple. Just enough to knock him out.

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