Rainy Days And Hot Chocolate

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The sound of rain hitting the window filled Harry's flat and he looked out the larger window in his living room, sighing at the sight of the dark clouds hanging over the city and the rain coming down in waterfalls.

It had been raining for the last three days straight now, and the weather forecast had promised a clear day - it was only ten in the morning and they had already been proven wrong. A new record maybe.

He didn't know how much longer he could stay cooped up in the flat, he was getting restless - and so was Louis. The kid had been skipping around the flat not being able to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. Amazingly Harry hadn't snapped at him yet, settling for biting his tongue when he had the urge to yell at him.

Even the regular visits to the gym with the others and the occasional grocery shopping failed to raise the mood - at times like these Harry really considered getting a car, his Bullet wasn't much of a joy ride when you're drenched and chilled to the bone. He loved his Bullet, bit he really wished motorcycles came with a roof, or a heating system.

"Harryyy!" Louis whined, dragging out Harry's name as he came trudging into the living room and flung himself onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.

If Harry had thought Louis was out of his shell before the whole 'hugging scene', he was certainly wrong - the smaller boy and turned out to be quite the drama queen - though sometimes it was like he remembered his situation and retreated back into his shell. It never lasted long though; he was really comfortable around Harry now.

It was quite annoying but Harry couldn't deny that it amused him too. Life wasn't as dull as it had been. It was kind of like having a pet who could, you know... talk.

"What?" he asked although he already knew the answer.

"I'm bored! And it's raining again, I wanted to go outside!" Louis complained and Harry suspected he would have actually stomped his foot childishly if he had been standing.

"Then go do something productive," Harry sighed. "I'm sure the flat needs cleaning somewhere."

"Can we go shopping?" Louis ignored Harry's suggestion and sat up, looking at Harry with his puppy face.

"We did that yesterday."

"Can we go to the park then?"

"Look outside Louis!"

"You're so boring!" Louis cried out with a pout and Harry glared at him, Louis instantly shutting up and shuffling into the corner of the couch. He was still afraid Harry would blow up and hurt him someday and Harry didn't blame him - he wasn't exactly a prime example in anger management.

Harry tried to soften his expression, something he found very hard since he was so out of practice, so Louis wouldn't think he was actually mad at him.

"Why don't you watch a movie instead?" He tried keeping his voice soft too but it sounded really off and even Louis looked a little confused before frowning and shaking his head.

"I don't like your movies!" He said stubbornly, shaking his head again and wrinkled his nose in distaste. Harry's movie collection wasn't exactly a gem and he rarely even watched movies in the first place, he just kept some in case he ever got the urge or if the lads came over. They usually brought over their own movies though, thinking the same about Harry's collection as Louis.

They had at one point gone to a flea market and come back with a box full of movies they meant Harry just had to see - Niall in particular - most of them had been kid's movies like Disney or stupid romantic comedies, so Harry had put them under his bed without watching a single one.

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