"Here, put these on before you freeze to death." Harry threw him the clothes, aiming for the couch beside him, but Louis ignored it. He just kept staring at the wall blankly at the wall.

Well then.

"Suit yourself," Harry huffed, rolling his eyes. If the kid wanted to act all stubborn, then fine. He had been given the offer change into something dry, so Harry had done what he could. It wasn't like he could force Louis to change his clothes. And if the kid got sick, he would have to take care of himself. It was his own fault then and Harry was not going to play nurse.

Harry planted himself on the couch, rubbing at his chest irritably. His bruise was getting better, now a sickly, greenish color but it still hurt. He had insisted on starting training with Liam again though and Liam had grudgingly agreed.

It was still light training, but it was better than sitting still. Liam told him it would probably prolong the healing process though. So if he didn't go up against Rex in the next fight - no matter how much he wanted to - it would probably be for the best.

For a long time the only sounds in the room were the rain and Louis' teeth clappering when he shivered. It was pretty normal for Harry to just sit in silence, but after Louis moved in the TV would be on most of the time to cover the awkward atmosphere.

Eventually it was lunchtime and Harry pushed himself off the couch and headed to the kitchen. Sandwiches were easy to make so it was usually what they settled for. Pretty sure Louis wasn't going to come make his own, Harry quickly made one for him too.

It was bad enough having to listen to the kid slowly contracting pneumonia, he didn't want him to starve.

As Harry walked over to give Louis his food, he noticed Louis' lips were blue and he was shivering violently. What the fuck was the kid thinking?!

"Louis you need to change your clothes, you'll get sick if you stay like that!" Harry said exasperatedly, getting real tired of Louis' attitude. It was just a fucking cat!

Louis just glared at him, surprising Harry as he had never had the guts to do that before. "I won't get all warm and comfortable when the poor kitten is still out there freezing!" he snapped with surprising force to his words. Harry had never seen him like that before. He honestly hadn't thought he had it in him.

"But the difference between you two, is that you'll get sick and it won't, so put some fucking clothes on before I make you!" Harry snapped back.

When someone gets snappy with him, he'll snap right back. Fuck trying to reason, no one snaps at him.

Louis visibly flinched and cringed back a little, but he didn't budge, his body language practically screaming 'try and make me'. He was challenging Harry, and Harry didn't like that at all.

But he held himself back from doing something stupid, remembering what he had promised himself and Liam. He was trying to be Louis' friend or whatever, and friends don't hurt each other. Even if Harry really wanted to at the moment. Louis was really testing his self-control.

"No!" Louis crossed his arms defiantly, not even faltering when he shivered violently again. It looked like he was getting paler too. And as annoying as it was, it actually worried Harry.

"You'd get sick just because I left that creature out where it's supposed to live?" Harry asked in disbelief. He had no idea why Louis was reacting like that. It was just a fucking pet for god's sake. All they did was eat and sleep - why would anyone want that for a pet?

Louis gaped at him like he couldn't believe Harry didn't understand why he was so upset and he huffed, turning his head as if deciding to just ignore Harry.

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