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Harry sighed and gulped down the rest of his beer as he looked around the pub. He had only been there for about an hour and already regretted his decision about going. The only reason he went in the first place was so that he wouldn't have to sit alone in his flat. He wasn't lonely, not at all. He just needed at change of scenery. But after an hour in the smoke-filled pub, it was pretty clear that it wasn't what he needed after all. Actually he would rather lie on his, suddenly much more

appealing, couch, watching some lame reality show.

Another look around the pub only confirmed his thoughts. Loud, drunk, sweaty people everywhere. From under aged, starry-eyed teenagers, who were hoping they could get smashed enough to feel the hangover for a week before they were thrown out by the bouncers, to nasty, middle-aged, and probably unhappily married, men, who were watching the young women like hawks, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Harry cringed, shuddering involuntarily, as his eyes fell on one of said men, who licked his lips and wiped some sweat off his forehead as he spotted a suitable prey. Disgusting.

A hand running down his arm broke him out of his thoughts and he looked down to find a small, dainty hand with red painted nails. He groaned inwardly and let his gaze travel up to the girls face. She was actually fairly pretty, especially compared to some other girls in the room, but Harry just wasn't feeling it tonight.

She smiled flirtingly, or at least tried to, the smile turning into a grimace because she was too pissed to control her facial muscles. One more drink and Harry was sure she would actually start drooling. Or pass out. Probably both.

"Oh my god. You're, like, Harry Styles!" she slurred excitedly as she leant on him so she wouldn't fall, her piercing voice feeling like a dagger to Harry's eardrums.

"That's me," he answered, trying to pry her hand from his arm without making her fall.

"You're, like, so cool! I've seen you fight once and you were, like, so strong." She kept slurring out incoherent sentences but all Harry could hear was the word 'like', which she used way to much in his opinion.

Her voice dropped a few octaves, trying, and failing, to sound sexy and seductive. "I've heard about you Harry y'know, and don't worry." She moved her lips to his ear, "I like it rough."

All Harry wanted to do was push her away but he knew she would probably break in half if he did, being as skinny as she was, so he settled for prying her hands from his arm again and politely excuse himself, leaving her gaping after him like a goldfish.

He pushed through the dancing drunks and finally escaped outside, taking a deep breath of the somewhat fresh air before heading towards his flat. Normally he would take his motorbike, the only possession he actually cared about, but the pub wasn't that far from the flat, so he had decided to walk. Fresh air and exercise and all that. Not that he needed it though, being one of the best underground boxers in the country.

Compared to the amount of people and noise in the pub, the streets were fairly quiet. It probably

had something to do with the fact that it was Wednesday, in the middle of the night and people had to get up early for work in the morning. Harry quite enjoyed the silence though, it helped with the headache he had gotten from sitting in the pub and that clingy girl's voice.

The comfortable silence was however broken by the shrilly ringtone of Harry's phone. He groaned and fished it out of his pocket, checking the caller ID before lifting it to his ear. He really had to change that ringtone.

"What?!" he grumbled. "Do you know what time it is? What could you possibly want at one in the morning Simon?!"

"That's no way to greet a friend Styles," Simon laughed. "I figured you'd still be up and I've got some exciting news for ya."

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