Abandonment Issues

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Yes, nearly two years after my friend dared me to write a Nintendogs fanfic, and I uploaded that chapter, we are here. I think the title is symbolic of both Maisie and this story. I've kinda wanted to edit the previous chapter, but I also want to preserve my young self's writing. I think it gives the story character.(?) I will try to write from here on in as accurately and as similarly as possible, but bear in mind I last checked this out in 2014. :)

After that ridiculously long A/N let's go! 

Nintendogs is one of those games that when you get, you're pumped, but once you've played it for a month, it sits in your drawer, collecting dust.

I had been running around this beach themed house for over two years before The Most Wonderful Overlord checked up on us. Ria and Sav had known about being left for weeks, months on end, but I got the feeling they'd never been left for this long.

The first month or so was hard on me. I was fresh out of the kennel where I had been treated with warmth, compassion and care, and now I was thrown into the harsh reality of the world. In between contemplating my existentiality and empty belly, I heard snippets of Ria complaining about her lice.

At first I dismissed this as just Ria being shallow about her golden coat, but then when I first started to itch because of dirt and fleas, I think Ria and I really bonded. 

Sav continued to sulk in his corner broodingly. Every so often, when he looked up, he had a brooding expression on his face. We left him alone.

So I formed a friendship with Ria. We shared any scant meals we could find, and looked for Sav when he ran away. He returned with an empty tissue box though, and we had no clue where that came from.

But this friendship all came crashing down when the Owner came back. I remembered back to my naive, young days, when I had thought the Owner was all-loving and all-powerful. It pained me to see optimism replaced by cynicism, I was becoming more like Sav and Ria.

When the Owner returned, the first thing they did was bathe us. Sav went first, and Ria growled at me under her breath: "I'm going next pup."

What ensued next was a fight of epic proportions.It would no doubt have been more epic if I had been the same size as her and both of us had actually eaten in the past couple of years, but nonetheless it was my first fight. I wondered if my computer randomising algorithm parents would be proud. 

As Sav trotted out, keeping distinctly away from us, glowing and sparkling, Ria bounded over with the cutsiest look on her face, and I followed suit, stepping on her paws to slow her down. As Ria padded off for her shower with a smug look in her eye, Sav stopped and said to me,

"What happened to you kiddo?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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