Chapter 13 a black parade

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The wind blew by with an intense speed, leaves flying into the train car. Clementine looked over to her side and saw some destroyed bottles and some unusable bullets littering the ground. she looked down to see that she was in her eight-year-old body, her yellow dress flailing in the wind as the train moves at a fast pace. She heard some quiet footsteps coming from behind her but she didn't bother to look. "Hey, sweet pea." Lee smiled as he sat down next to the girl. now there were two pairs of feet hanging from the train car.

"How have things been while I've been gone?" Lee asked while looking at Clem, it had been eight years since he was alive. "Time flies doesn't it?" Clementine nodded as her long curls flew in the wind. "Things have been..." she paused to think of a word to describe what has happened in the past two or three weeks since they last talked. "interesting to say the least." Clem looked up at the man. "how so?" Lee's voice took away some of her stress. "Well, I met Christa, she is dead now, and... your not gonna believe this, I met up with Kenny." Lee's eyes widened. "So that's why I haven't seen him, he's still kicking, wow that man is a fighter." "Yeah, he is." Clem chuckled. "But something else has happened. some of my friends got kidnapped by this group they call themselves the Delta. and their leader is Lilly." Clem stated "the Lilly from the motor in?" Lee questioned. "Yes, that Lilly," Clem confirmed. "Well, is there anything else you would like for me to know?" Clem paused to think of another thing to tell the man. She thought of one thing, Louis she contemplated telling him that she had a boyfriend, or whatever they were. What are we? she eventually caved in on her thoughts and told him.

"so Lee, I wanted to tell you... That I..." She sighed before she continued. "I... Me and this guy... Louis... we're a...a thing." Clem finished. "a thing? so you have a boyfriend." Lee chuckled "I... I don't know what it is." They both got up. "Does he treat you well?" Lee interrogated. "Yeah, yeah he does." Clem smiled at the thought. Lee brought her in for a hug, the embrace made her feel safe and protected. after Lee pulled from the embrace He took a look at Clementine. she was now in her present-day form instead of her eight-year-old form. "wow just look at you, look at you. You've grown a lot since I was alive" Lee smiled. "Well, I have to go, You have people counting on you. Talk to me after you get all of your friends back safe and sound," Lee said, walking into the black abyss of a shadow leaving Clementine alone.

Louis gently shook Clementine's shoulder making her eyes flutter open. She scanned the room and noticed that she was in her room. She smiled when she saw Louis was the one to wake her. "sorry about waking you, Kenny wanted me to get you up." the dread head explained"It's fine, but didn't I fall asleep in the music room?" Clem questioned while rubbing her soft eyes. "Yeah, about that, I carried you up here, the floor didn't look that comfy," Louis smiled. "Well thanks, Lou," Clem said, swinging her feet so her feet touched the ground. She stood up and was handed her favorite hat. she took the cap from Louis's hand and the two left the room. Midway through their walk to the outside, Louis took his trench coat off. "here have this, it's really, really cold out." Louis offered. "Thank you, but you realize that the cold affects you too, right?" Clem rejected. "Oh come on can you let me be nice, just once? Trust me I'll be fine" Louis finished with his arm still out with his coat, hanging from it. "ugh, fine." she grunted pretending to be frustrated. The coat was a little to big for her as the bottom of it dragged against the floor and its sleeves only revealed her fingers.

as usual, the wind was intense making the already freezing weather feel even more cold. "Kenny just got done telling the plan to us, the new and improved plan," Louis said while walking side by side with Clem, their footstep crunched the snow beneath their feet in a synchronized order, telling Kenny that they were coming. "oh hey you two, I like the wardrobe change." Kenny started "I think we are ready to head out." The bearded man finished. the survivours nodded in agreement as the gates opened everyone moved into the barron, white forrest.

The walk through the forest was peacful, most of the walkers were being guided by James, so that was a added bonus of James helping them out. They kind of a had a free trial of a mostly walkerless area around the school. once they got close enough to hear the distant shouting of the Delta members they started sneaking instead of loudly rushing through the forrest. once they goy to the meetup piont where they were supposed to be with James, they waited and waited. Kenny walked up to Clementine and pushed her to the side to talk in private.

"Clem I wanna talk about somthin'." Clem sat down on a rock as Kenny sat down next to her. "I just wanted to tell you a motivaiotional somthing." He stopped to think. "What I was a young kid, twelve or thirteen my dad took me into a city, Jaxonville, to see a little marching band he loved to watch, the reason he took me to this marching band was to get me and him alone and away from everyone else so he could give me a talk. He said son, when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken, the beatened and the damned, Will you defeat them, your demons the plans that they made, because one day I will leave you, a phantom and you wil be without me while I join the black parade." He finished his story. "And I didnt know what he meant by that when I was young, but I kept that memory in my head and I never got to say that to my kid, Duck. but you are the closest I'll ever get. He was telling me that he never was a hero, he failed but he wanted me to be one, and I dont think I quallify as a hero, so now im asking you, but I dont think I really have to, You already are a hero Clementine."

They both hugged eacthother in a calming embrace. Watching the sunset, waiting for James.

The got back with the group, they were all in a little circle playing some sorta card game to pass the time, it was dark now, with no trace of the sun. Clem heard footsteps from behind her, she saw a walker, she grabbed for her knife when the walker took its face of. "relax its me." James whispered. "Jesus you gave me a heart attack, James" Clem rolled her eyes. "The walkers are almost ready , you guys need to get moving If you want to do this." James said. The group nodded their heads as they heared the groans of the dead.

Hey guys I have kenny being morraly deep, deep Kenny we all love him

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