Chapter 9 what now?

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Birds chirped over the heads of the four adolescents, Two sleeping peacefully yet their resting place somewhat uncomfortable. The other two drowsy but awake after keeping watch for Clem and Aj. Clem's eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times before she shifted her position "you're finally awake." Louis commented. "yup." she looked over to see Aj was still sleeping. The brunette stood up to her feet carefully walking around Aj to receive her baseball cap. She then sat back down in the same position she was in, next to Aj. "How was your sleep?" Louis questioned "not the best in the world, not the most comfortable place for sleeping." she responded. "I'm sorry about that," James said, his voice quiet, sort of hard to hear. "It's fine, You could have just killed us." Clem commented, "And stole our stuff." Louis agreed. "In that case, your welcome then." The three smiled.

"ugh... Hi guys." Aj groaned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The child reached for his hat and put it on loosely. The other three Greeted the boy as he woke. "we should really get going to the school the others are probably worried." Clementine commented as she stood up, offering a hand to Aj. Aj took the help getting up. James nodded. "If you want I can walk you three to it." "and then what?" Louis asked. "well I will just come back here, I'm not a group person." well you do you I guess." The dread head adds.

The four walked through the evening forest, seeing the school a lot easier than they normally could because of trees being bare. Instead of being where they normally are up high in the trees, the autumn leaves die out on the dirt. the four walk over a wooden bridge that lays over the same stream the Ericson's kids use for spearfishing. "Walker!" a young voice shouts from the school watchtower. an arrow shoots but landing helplessly at James's feet. I guess this thing really does make me look like a walker. the masked boy thought. " Kenny! Marlon, they're back!" the same voice shouted. The gates creaked open to reveal Kenny, Mitch, and Marlon standing behind the gate. James turned to Clementine. "Well, I'm not much of a people person so I better get going." Thank you for saving us There was a shitton of walkers there I don't think we would have made it." Clem smiled "don't mention it." The Masked boy walked off back in the same direction they came from.

"well, you guys took your sweet time." Mitch Laughed "observant as ever, Mitch." Louis commented. Kenny was too busy hugging Aj and Clem until they both passed out. "I was worried sick bout, you two, where were you?" Kenny asked. "That guy at the gate with us saved us from a slew of walkers." Clem said. "well bless that man." Kenny finished. " And you still have that hat on goofball." The bearded man looked down at AJ." "Aj, Alvin Junior, I'm too old for goofball." The child frowned at the nickname. "But Clem always called you goofball." Kenny was already trying to think of a new nickname for the kid, none off the top of his head though. AJ just gave him a blank stare. "Well, we should probably get back inside the walls," Marlon stated, breaking the eerie silence.

everyone nodded and went inside, Gates closing as they walk in. "what did you guys get?" Marlon asked Louis as the dreadhead set his bag down on a table. "a bunch of shit." Louis said Clem stepped forward with her and Ajs bag setting those bags down as well. more specifically three bags of shit." Clem corrected. Marlon, Clem, and Louis opened up different bags. "Damn, you guys got a boatload of stuff, this is gonna help a lot." Marlon complemented. "But where did you guys find all of this?" he asked. "In an old town outside of the old safe zone." this angered Marlon a little but he soon remembered that he wasn't in charge and that it was Kenny who called the shots.

Clementine pulled out the gun she found in the last house they ransacked from her backpack. she inspected the weapon, not being able identify the name of it. Clem was good with guns but she didn't know what they were really called. over the years she heard terms like, Glock, 1911, Ak, and AR, but she didn't really know what was what. "M9" Clem heard over her shoulder she turned her head to see Kenny behind her. " it called an M9," Kenny said. " why, like does it have a reason to be called an M9?" Clem questioned. "yeah... probably I don't know why that's what they call it though." Kenny was now next to the girl sitting down. "back before all of this shit went down, the walkers, I would go out with my work friends, to go shoot. I was a boat Captain and a commercial fisherman so some of them were scuba divers, others were fishers like me. I knew one, his name was Tony, I think, He had a good head on his shoulders he was a scuba instructor If any of those guys were still alive it would be Tony." Kenny paused. "Sorry, I got a little off track but That's why I know what that's called." Clementine nodded at the man.

8 hours later

Everyone was done eating Dinner and talking at the table, Ruby made it since Omar was held captive by those Kidnappers in the Delta, he was with Lilly, Violet, and Aasim too. "Wait a minute we need to get a plan for getting them back." everyone looked at Clem since she just blurted that out. Violet, Aasim, and Omar we need to get them back." Clem said again. "She's right we can't just sit here with our heads up our asses," Kenny responded. "Well then what do we do? we don't have any information about where they are or what they have!" Louis exclaimed.

"Actually we do," Mitch Said smiling, Willy was smiling too. Everyone silently asked for him to move on. "after the fight one of the Delta fuckers was still alive he was knocked out. while you guys went out on your supply run Willy and I Interrogated him, We got some juicy info." Mitch said with a smug expression glued to his face. "Their base is a big boat not far from here."Willy chipped in. "but how will we get on the boat without getting shot down?" Marlon asked eyes wide most likely from fear that we are actually gonna do this." I have an idea." Clem said looking at Marlon. "If we can get enough Walkers to rally up and form a herd we can blend in with them by covering ourselves with walker's guts." "Uh, pardon, the fuck?" Louis says Eyes wide. the sight making Clem laugh. "James!" I remember James mentioning that he can make walkers move in a certain direction!" AJ exclaims. "Good thinking Aj." Clem complemented. "and we need to find a way to make sure that they aren't coming back," Willy said. "We are gonna blow up the boa-" Mitch was interrupted by Kenny. "Oh hell no, we are Stealing that fucking Boat." now everyone was confused. "I know how to drive a boat, we can use that boat as a backup plan if this school goes to shit!"

everyone seemed on board except Mitch and Willy who really just wanted to see the boat go boom. "so we have a plan, that's good, tomorrow I'm gonna go see James." Clem finished. Louis and Clem went to bed together again earning a confused look from Aj. "Why are you Sleeping together?" Both Louis and Clementine forgot that Aj was still sleeping with them. they Blushed aggressively. "I well... we are together." Clem managed to say. "Together?" Aj asked. You'll learn when you're older." Clem said kind of pulling a Louis. "the three go to Clem's room Where Aj sleeps in an opposite bed. "Goodnight Little man." "Goodnight Louis." night Clem. "Night Idiot."

Hey guys! I don't have much to say nothing much is going down right now but we will get some action towards the end.

Mitch and Willy interrogating instead of Clem and AJ I love it that would be funny in the game.

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