Fairy Tail Origins

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(Features: Mario x David, Jakey x Bryan, Mitch/Viper x Jericho, Ritchie x Devin, Seek x Colin, Michael x Brandon, Lucas x Blake)

[yes I ship Mitch/Viper x Jericho and Micheal x Brandon. I'm sorry if you don't]


Kay: Bryan's such a top.

Jakey: he's not though?!

Bryan, flustered: JAKEY!

(Yes I headcanon that FTO Jakey is a top and FTO Bryan is a bottom. Fight me on it if you want)


Allumos: I have made the decision to trust you.

Jazz: a horrible decision, really.


Ritchie: stay here and don't touch anything.

Flurry: yeah, yeah, I know.

Ritchie: *leaves*

Flurry: I'm gonna touch everything.


Jericho: what are you doing?

Viper, squeezing into Jericho's arms: I'm hiding.

Jericho: do you mean cuddling?

Viper: did I stutter? This is my safe place. Now put your arms around me.


Mario: you better shut the f*ck up before I look at you and feel warm and realize I've fallen in love with you!

David: I-

Mario: I'm serious, stop it.


Blake: Colin would jump infront of a moving car for you.

Seek: Colin would jump infront of a moving car just for fun.


Ritchie: my hands are cold.

Devin: here! *holds Ritchie's hands*

Ritchie: ...

Ritchie: my lips are suddenly freezing.


Brandon: that's ridiculous! Michael doesn't have a crush on me.

Ritchie: yes he does.

Devin: yes he does.

Kit: yes he does.

Michael: yes I do.


Blake: I'm happy to announce that Lucas and I are no longer friends!

Lucas: Blake, that's a horrible way to tell people we're dating.


Brandon: I f*cked up.

Ritchie: what happened?

Brandon: I'm falling for someone.

Ritchie: wow, they must be special to make the ever stoic Brandon to fall in love.

Brandon: *staring at Michael* yeah, they really are.


Jericho: so we don't know how to tell you all this, so I'm just gonna whisper it in Eliore's ear and cause him to yell it out in astonishment.

Jericho: *whispers in Eliore's ear*



Mario: it's like a game of f*ck, marry, kill.

Mario: and you're all three.

David: ...

David: thank... you...?


Devin: I'm having problems with guy.

Eden: like "his body won't fit in the trunk" problems or "I like him" problems?

Devin: "I like him" problems.

Eden: tch, shame. I could've helped with the first one.


Bryan: I'm to gay for this sh*t.

Jericho: same.

Lo'pho: you two can't keep saying that whenever something mildly inconvenient happens.


Allumos: that's it, you're all grounded! Jericho, no flirting! Bryan, no training! Michael, no Brandon! Viper...

Allumos: is there anything you like?

Viper: revenge.

Allumos: no... vengeance for you!

Viper: I was gonna say "I'll get you for this", but I guess that's off the table.


Seek: do you ever just look at Colin and think "who the hell blessed me with this dork? I'm the luckiest loser in the world.".

Davis: ......no.


Rose: we need a distraction!

Lo'pho: who here is good and jumping up and down and making loud noises?

Kay: my time has come.


Devin: *eating a cinnamon roll*

Lucas: cannibalism!

Devin: *confused chewing noises*


Rose: oh Bryan, nice top.

Bryan: oh, thank you! I-

Jakey: I have a name.


Allumos: hello Colin- !!!

Colin: hey Allumos!

Colin: now you may be wondering as to why I'm stuck on the ceiling-


Seek: can I buy a rare bouquet?

Merchant: do you have $40?

Seek: *holds up a bag of pennies*

Merchant: oh dear god...


Devin: my boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss on the lips, what should I do?

David: punch him in the stomach. Then, when he leans over, kiss him.

Blake: tackle him!

Mario: kick him in the shin.

Michael, being an overprotective "brother": dump him.

Ritchie:  no, to all of those! Just ask me to lean down.

Lucas: you could also stand on a stool, or box, or something.


Jericho: the Bible said Adam and Eve, so I slept with them both!

Flurry: well it is the BIble, no the STRAIGHTble.

Jazz: you're just following the book!

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