And at the moment, Eight was wandering through the corridors, about a hundred meters away from the two of them, looking for the boy he was supposed to be watching. Who knows how he had lost him.

The two stepped into a large hall that Orochimaru had originally built to test his jutsus, but now it had become an over-demensional room for Sora. At the far end were a pile of pillows, blankets, and books. The boy almost lived here and was practically never in his own room. Supposedly it had something to do with the fact that he couldn't be in tighter spaces for long, because he'd get scared it would collapse and he wouldn't even have a way to get out. That's why he apparently felt very comfortable in the hall and he had named it his second home.

He hopped over to his little corner, where the walls were plastered with posters. Human anathomia, Sora's current subject. He was having a surprising amount of fun with it, and had barely complained about all the studying so far. He really was a great kid, not like Sasuke the drama queen who either bugged him for new jutsus or just treated him like air while giving dramatic monologues about his upcoming revenge and Orochimaru wondered every time who he was even talking to, because there was no one there besides him (air) and Sasuke himself.

Sora began to explain to a body, wherever it came from, where what was, while Orochimaru listened to him carefully. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadow of the little boy. Sora startled back a little, and the sannin lifted his gaze.

"Eleven" he said slowly, "why are you here?"

Eleven was a tall man. Black hair and eyes of the same color. Originally, this one could only slip into people's shadows, but through the artificial awakening he had caused, he could now teleport between shadows, and control people to a certain extent as well. Orochimaru had assigned Eleven, Three, Eighteen, and Twenty-three to his post in the Underworld.They were all part of the management of the assassin 'Orochimaru', who by now sat at the head of this department, with only two others to rival him. It was only known that Three worked under him and played a kind of middle man. The other three were undercover and responsible for information and espionage. So if Eleven was here, that meant something was going on.

"A group of unnamed individuals have tried to contact you several times with an invitation to their organization" this one reported.

"Did you turn them down?"

"Several times."

"What does this group want?"

"They want you in their ranks. From what I gathered, their goal is the fall of the Symbol of Peace."

All Might? Orochimaru asked himself. He could see why some would target the number one hero and how much chaos that would bring, but he had no interest in such a thing. Nor did he have any interest in joining a no-name group, let alone one that was doomed from the start by choosing the Symbol of Peace as a target.

"They're pretty brave to seek me out for such a ridiculous reason" he said disdainfully.

"I have other information" said Eleven. Orochimru made a gesture for him to continue speaking.

"At the last attempted contact, they disclosed that they wanted to defeat All Might with the help of artificial humans possessing several Quirks".

Orochimaru's eyes flashed and a small grin played around his lips. "Well now that' s interesting" he said and laughed.

" Eleven!" the man listened up, "Make contact with this group and propose a partnership to them. Maybe they're not so useless after all." with a quick nod, the man disappeared again.

Hopefully they would not disappoint him. His golden eyes lit up dangerously and Sora shuddered as cold sweat ran down his back.


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