The messages were only getting bolder.

And I feel so scared and I feel like an idiot for being so caution and on alert as if anytime anybody would jump on me.

I purse my lips together to not cry, but when did tears listen to me? They silently leave and I sniff to breathe properly.

Everytime Zain calls me I wait hopefully for him to laugh and say it's him pranking but that never happens.

And I know Zain knows something is wrong with me, but I cannot make myself to be cheerful when I was crying out of fear minutes before he called me. And my stupid question like asking why he always calls me at night or if he has other numbers only makes it more suspicious.

But he always call at night—both does.

Is it both or one.

No no I cannot doubt Zain foe godsake!

Today Zain is coming back, which Sufiyan accidentally said but soon covered it by changing the date when he saw Zain glaring at him but I called Sufiyan and confirmed from him and he reluctantly gave in and said they will be coming today.

I prepared cake for him, one I made and if it is not edible for backup I ordered.

I know I should be jumping in happiness that Zain is finally back after two weeks of torture but the uneasy feeling I am feeling since last night is not letting me be happy.

From morning I am praying for nothing bad to happen and Zain to land here safely and then in my arms.

Breathing out Fetch for my phone behind me, but the swing in which I am sitting makes it difficult, lifting myself I quickly take my phone and I sit back.

Adeline. She Is the only one who is keeping me alive all these days with her moral support and her hatred towards my creepy stalker.

Dialling her number I press my phone to my ear waiting for her to pick it up.

"Yeah yeah I know—you can give me five minutes break I am working since morning!!— I don't care!!" I pull away my phone quickly regretting the next second she picks the call for pressing it against my ear.

"Hello Darling how are you doing" her voice turns so soft that no one would believe she was screaming her lungs out just seconds ago.

"I am good, what about you? I think your busy should I call you later—-"

"Don't! Don't you dare" she whisper yells and I giggle at the way she is threatening.

"Aunt here has a niece" she huffs and groans and I guess that she is sitting and stretching herself.

"Oh I would like to meet—"

"And she is a bitch" She cuts me off.

"Oh well Forget it"

"Yeah that's better" she replies, chuckling to myself I rest back against the swing.

"So how is it going?" Adelines knows everything that is happening, from the calls to the messages, she even wrote a whole long paragraph which had more curses than actual sentences and sent the stalker, but nothing happened he only enjoyed it, atleast the emojis he sent said he enjoyed it.

His Clumsy Woman ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz