Froggy Crisis! (Tsuyu x Izuku)

Beginne am Anfang


Izuku is just about to head back after training all by himself at the training grounds. The warmth from the showers' waters still lingered on his skin.

But what he doesn't notice is that there is a figure following him from behind.

He could not shake off the feeling of being followed, and quickened his pace as a result. But then the footsteps are heard. Not just one, but two from behind.

He ran. Towards the dorms, and locked the door behind him with the spare key that Iida gave him.

"You think a simple lock would stop us?"

Izuku froze before shakily turned around to see the girls from 1A and 1B, their scleras are purple, and glowing.

"What... What happened to you?"

"No questions. You must now be brought to the queen herself."


But then he noticed that Tsu isn't around. Maybe she's in trouble?

He then shouted, "Look, a flying frog!" While pointing to a random location, and ran as they stupidly looked at where he pointed.

Izuku ran across the dorm halls, shouting out Tsu's name. The boys were all heading out to watch a football game at town, and so now he is alone and the only hope he probably had is Tsu.


"I am betting that the Shibuya Meteorites will win in this match!" Monoma exclaimed pridefully.

But he is the only one betting on that for 500 Yen. All the others were betting on The Musutafu Beetles, each of them betting for 1000 yen.

In the end, Monoma lost the bet and he had an extreme debt as a result.

Back at Izuku, he finally reached Tsu's room and tried to open it.

"Who's there, ribbit?"

"It's me, Midoriya! Open the door, Tsu!"

The door swung open, and Tsu greeted him.

" 'Ello, darlin'!" Before she hits Izuku plain in the face with a frying pan knocking him out.

When he woke up, he finds himself with his wrists tied to a pole behind him. His clothes were stripped off from him, and he sees glowing eyes in front of him.

But what's the most surprising thing is, that Tsu is their leader. The girls bowed down to her, and let her walk amongst them, to reach Izuku.

"Awake already? I knew you still had the strength in you."

"Tsu... Why!? Why did you do this!?"

"I loved you, Izuku, ribbit. You were too dense to notice it. My frog instincts, including that to mate is urging me to do this. But all of those skanks behind me were in the way, so I made them my slaves."

"Skanks!? They're your friends, Tsu! Not competitors!"

"I don't give a flying care about that. What I care now is that I must become your first."

She then used her tongue and inserted it inside Izuku's mouth, swirling around his tongue as Small-Zuku slowly stood up, the starting signs of an erection.

But then Tsu took off her costume revealing that she didn't wear anything beneath it, and Small-Zuku's erection speeds up in plus ultra levels until it reaches it's maximum length. The hypnotized girls were all drooling at the sight of the well toned body and erect dick of their cinnamon roll.

She pulled her tongue back.

"Ahh, looks like the skanks want a try on you as well. Do not worry. They will get what they want... So then all of us would be happy in the end."

She then hopped on towards Izuku, and her slit lands right on Small-Zuku, which pierced through her hymen and deflowering the frog girl. She moaned due to the sudden penetration, and went on to lick Izuku's neck and body with her long tongue.

Izuku can feel that he is reaching his climax, and he screamed out Tsu's name. Tsu then felt the burst of heat surging into her body. Small-Zuku has shot it's seed deep inside.

She then got off, and untied Izuku's wrists.

"Now, you have many others to satisfy. Come my servants! Have him all you want, ribbit!"

She then threw Izuku towards the crowd, who began to gang bang him. Izuku could not do anything in this situation, and let himself being raped by all of those girls from two classes.

- End

You Are Mine, Deku (A Boku no Hero Academia Anthology Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt