Chapter 33

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Hinata couldn't lie. He was excited. He couldn't wait for Kageyama to open the door and see his face. Was he being shameless? maybe, and he knew that. He arrived at the building and got off his bike, quickly realizing that it was where Kindaichi lived. He ran up the stairs and headed towards dorm 109 before hesitantly knocking on the door.

Kageyama opened the door and they sort of just stared at each other for a few seconds before Kags cleared his throat and invited Hinata inside.

"Come in"

"Pardon the intrusion" Hinata said quietly before walking inside, gripping tightly onto his backpack which, for some reason, he brought with him everywhere. Kageyama headed inside as well but he stopped walking without turning around, once he was about five steps inside.

Hinata watched his back, it was awkward so he decided to say something "I didn't know you lived in the same condo as Kindaichi and nimi"

"We go to the same uni"

"Ahh.. right"

It was so quiet afterwards, so quiet that Hinata could hear Kageyama's and his own breathing, he could hear the clock ticking and the sound of the air conditioning, all so clear. Suddenly, Kageyama turned around but he didn't look at him. He kept his eyes on the ground.

"Is he.. ok?"

Kageyama began walking towards Hinata, it was like he was mad but he wasn't speed walking like someone angry would, it also wasn't a normal walk, but it wasn't a slow one either. Hinata closed his eyes, there wasn't a way he could tell what Kageyama was going to do or what to expect so closing his eyes would at least help him be less nervous, maybe.. he thought. Kageyama didn't do anything, he simply stood in front of Hinata and looked down at him. Hinata felt his presence so he opened his eyes slowly and once their eyes met, he gulped and kept his head low.

"You.." Kageyama leaned in closer until Hinata's back hit the wall and placed his forearm above his head.

Hinata looked up with a blush spreading across his cheeks "y-yes?"

"Do you fucking like me?"

"What the fuck?! why does he keep talking to me like that?! fucking jerk.."

"Yeah, I fucking do! I like you a lot actually!! so what about it?!" Hinata looked up and replied angrily but also really scared.

"Oh yeah?!"


"W-Well I fucking like you a lot too!" Kageyama shouted back.

Hinata's eyes widened briefly and he froze in place before his eyes lit up like they had never before. Kageyama's whole face turned red "fuck, this wasn't how I was supposed to confess" he thought, shifting his gaze away from the ginger.

"Really?!" Hinata bounced excitedly, gripping onto Kageyama's shirt as the said boy tried his best to look away.


"No?! I fucking knew it.. you don't like me and you're just making fun of me!!"

"I do like you dumbass!!"

Hinata gasped and his eyes lit up again "really?!" Kageyama couldn't take it. Hinata was too cute, he leaned into his forearm and let out a chuckle.

"Did- did you just smile?! no, did you just laugh?!"

"I didn't. I don't know what you're talking about.."

"That was cute!! smile again!!" Hinata jumped up and down like an excited puppy. Kageyama flicked his forehead gentler than he usually would.

"Calm down, we need to talk and I want to apologize to you.." he backed away and took a deep breath.

"Actually.. if I'm being completely honest, I've liked you since the very first day we met. You know? the one where you stupidly tripped and I caught you"


"Let me finish"


"I've treated you really badly and didn't admit my feelings because I sort of have.. don't laugh, ok?" he glanced at Hinata with an obvious, troubled expression on his face.

"I won't laugh, don't worry" Hinata giggled.

"Well, apparently it's called commitment issues.. let's just say my past relationships haven't been all that good so I thought if I was a jerk towards you, you'd distance yourself and I'd prevent myself from getting hurt. I was being selfish, I'm.. really sorry"

There was a sudden silence, just like the one when Hinata first walked inside. He was thinking. Processing everything. When he was done, he looked up at Kageyama who continued to keep his head low and stared at the ground. Hinata smiled softly and trotted his way through the short distance between them. Once he was right in front of him, he peeked under to look at Kageyama's face, saw a frown, and then pulled him into a hug.

"Oh you poor, poor Kageyama~ I'm sorry that you went through something like that" he patted his back softly "It's ok so don't apologize anymore. I think you had a good reason to act the way you did, although.. I won't say it didn't hurt. I promise I would never do anything to hurt you so please give me a chance, just one"

Kageyama's heartbeat was racing, he could feel his face heat up, and his arms wanting to give into the hug. He thought it'd be weird to think this way but he loved the feeling. Hinata's arms around him and his comforting words. Why would he ever treat him so badly? how could he? He wished he never did. He pulled away from the hug and turned away from Hinata.

"Let's go to the bed first"

Hinata was taken aback, yeah, but he wasn't going to say no. He let out a sigh and followed behind Kageyama.

Kags slipped off his house slippers and laid on his bed. He faced towards Hinata, about to tell him to lay beside him when he suddenly saw him struggling to take his shirt off.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh? oh I'm trying to take it off but it's just- not- do you have scissors?"

"Why are you trying to take your shirt off?"

Hinata pulled his shirt down and looked at Kageyama confused "Well, weren't we gonna..? you know"

"No, today we're not gonna do that. We're just going to lay here, together or would you have preferred to do that other thing?" Kags asked amused.

"I- Well, I wouldn't mind but I think just laying with you would be really nice right now, I.. like anything if it's something I get to do with you.."  Hinata replied as red as a tomato because now, he wasn't just embarrassed but also really shy after what he just said.

"Come here" Kageyama patted the spot next to him. Hinata walked up to the bed and slipped off his shoes before curling next to Kageyama, their faces facing each other.

"Hi.." the ginger whispered with a smile.

"Hi" Kageyama replied. He stared at Hinata attentively, admiring every feature of his face. He was much cuter close up. He didn't want to exaggerate but, Hinata was simply perfect "can I hug you?" he asked, keeping his cool on the outside but obviously losing it on the inside.

"Please do" Hinata grinned happily before Kageyama pulled him closer without hesitation, wrapping his arms tightly around him. Then, Hinata mustered up the courage and did the same, I mean, he did it earlier so why not do it again. He buried his face into the crook of Kageyama's neck. He couldn't stop smiling. It was simply the best day of his life.

"You smell good" he said quietly.

"Do I?"


"Hey, look up at me for a sec"

Hinata did as he was told. After he lifted his head up, Kageyama placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed it softly, moving his thumb and gently caressing his skin. His focus shifted from his eyes to his lips, repeatedly yet, slowly.

"I really want to kiss you right now" Kags whispered before leaning in until their noses were touching.

"Kiss me then"

To be continued..

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