Chapter 19

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"Ok everyone, that's it for today" all of the employees from the club were gathered upstairs in the bar since it was finally pay day.

"If anything's wrong with your paychecks let me know and have proof with you because I won't give you extra money just because" Ukai glanced at Nishinoya.

"What?! I don't do that.." Noya murmured.

"Everyone can go home now, we're closing up early because the maintenance team is coming over to fix some stuff but be here tomorrow on time or I'll fire you" Ukai finished speaking. He pulled out a cigarette, and walked away.

"Well, ya heard the man" Ennoshita said before following behind his father.

"Bye Enno-san!!!"

"Bye Hinata"

The boys waited until their boss was out of sight and quickly gathered up to compare their checks.

"Ayo how much did you get??" Oikawa quickly ran to his his best friend's side, trying to peek at his paycheck.

"Definitely more than you" Suga laughed, shoving his check into his wallet.

"Hey, let me see!!" Oikawa whined.

"Go away!" Suga grabbed his stuff and walked out of the building with Oikawa following closely behind.

"Tsukishimaaaa~ how much did you get?!!" Hinata jumped excitedly, waiting for a response.

Tsukki looked down at him annoyed as he gathered his stuff to leave "you do realize I'm a bartender and you're a waiter, a terrible one at that"


"So, I obviously get paid more than you" Tsukishima grinned mockingly "now go away, you're annoying"

"Hey, wanna go to karaoke with me?!" Hinata's eyes sparkled completely ignoring Tsukishima's words.

"Are you dumb? I said go away" Tsukki flicked his forehead.

"Ow!! come onnn, I have no one to go with! Kenma was gonna go with me but apparently he has plans with uhh.. what's his name? Shiro?"

"It's Kuroo" Kenma corrected from the other side of the room.

"Yeah yeah, Kuroo"

"I. don't. care!" Tsukishima walked passed him, towards the door.

"Fine! I'll just go by myself, you suck!!" Hinata shouted as he watched the blonde leave.

Kenma placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder "sorry, Shouyo, I promise I'll go with you next time"

"It's ok.. I see your ride is here hehe, is he your boyfriend?" Hinata nudged Kenma, raising his eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

"Tsh, as if. I'll see you tomorrow and if you go to karaoke just be careful"

"Ok!! byeeee"


Kenma walked out of Starooze and into Kuroo's car.

"Hey there, beautiful" Kuroo welcomed him.

"Shut up"

"Ahh I'm so happy I finally got paid, my mom's medications just get more and more expensive" Oikawa let out a sigh as he walked Suga to the bus stop.

"Has your dad still not found a job?" he asked glancing at Oikawa.

"Nope, I don't even think he tries to find one"

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