Chapter 21

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"Ooo look at you getting all that money~" a familiar voice was heard suddenly.

Iwaizumi usually drives to quiet neighborhoods to jog and today that neighborhood happened to be Oikawa's, he was jogging down the street when he saw Oikawa from afar. He noticed he was with an older man and that this man was giving Oikawa money, he saw this as the perfect opportunity to bully Oikawa and he took it.

"Turns out you are a manwhore after all, huh?" Iwa snickered.

Oikawa's eyes widened at his sudden appearance and the fact that his stupid comment wasn't helping the situation he was in. His father glared at him "You thought I was a fool huh? telling me they were just rumors!! and to think I almost believed you!"

"No! Dad please! I can explain, this is all just a misunderstanding just listen to me!" Oikawa gripped desperately onto his father's arms as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Dad?!"  Iwaizumi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared dumbfounded at the quarrel in front of him.

"I want you out of my house! how dare you do these things Tooru?! you're not my son.. not anymore"

"Dad I- I'm not that kind of person!! I'm only a waiter, I dress like that because it's my uniform, I swear!! You know I need to work to pay mother's medication.. and I know it's weird that I work at a gay club but I don't do those things so please, I'm begging you" Oikawa's tears started to drop on the pavement floor one after another, he choked up every two words as he spoke, getting interrupted by sniffles every now and then.

"Don't call me dad" his father said before calling Oikawa's mom and telling her to bring his stuff, which apparently were already packed up.

"Sir you're kind of overreacting, please calm down" Iwaizumi tried to step in.

"You shut up! why don't you just take him with you!?"

Oikawa ignored Iwaizumi's doing as he watched his mother approach them "Mom.. please, you know I wouldn't do something like that.." she didn't respond and handed Oikawa's things to her husband. He threw them at Oikawa's feet and his mother walked back inside the house without saying a single word.

"Mom! Mom what are you doing? Are you out of your mind?!" Oikawa shouted desperately, watching his mother walk away as if he meant nothing to her.

"Don't talk to your mother like that and get lost!!"

"Why should I?! If I'm not around who's going to pay for all her medical bills? certainly not you, all you do is drink and lay around like a fucking p-" before Oikawa could finish his sentence, his father slapped him across the face angrily "I told you to get lost so beat it!" he turned around, slamming the door in Oikawa's face.

Iwaizumi stood there stunned as he watched Oikawa pick up his bags from the ground.

"Fuck.. what did I just do?"


"Go away! you wouldn't want people seeing you with a 'manwhore' would you?" Oikawa said, wiping his tears aggressively and turning around to leave.

"Wait! I-" Iwaizumi speed walked towards Oikawa and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Oikawa turned around and furiously glared at him, his eyes filled with tears still "what the fuck is your problem?! what did I ever do to you to deserve this?!" Oikawa shouted making Iwa stumble slightly.

"Ah, I get it" he let out a fake laugh "is it because of back then? you remembered?"

"Back then? what?" Iwaizumi asked, genuine confusion showing on his face.

"Fuck, I spoke too soon"

"Forget it" Oikawa turned around once again, slowly walking away.

"Wait come back! what do you mean back then?! Oikawa! agh fuck!" Iwaizumi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, it had been a really long time since he felt it since it only happened when he got parts of his memories back.

All of a sudden a series of voices and phrases came along with that sharp pain, he lost balance and fell onto his knees.


Go away shittykawa

Kyoutani watch out!

Iwa-chan! no, no, no, get up! look at me!!"

The voices disappeared and so did the pain, Iwaizumi stared at the ground drenched in sweat, panting uncontrollably.

"Iwa-chan..? what- what is this?" Iwaizumi looked up and quickly jumped to his feet to catch up to Oikawa but the said boy was already out of sight.

At that moment, Iwaizumi realized why he felt like he'd seen Oikawa somewhere. He wasn't able to see any images but that voice he remembered, definitely belonged to Oikawa.

Three years ago when Iwaizumi was in his second year of high school, he woke up in a hospital bed one day and was told he got into an accident which caused him to lose some of his memory but most specifically, he couldn't remember the other people involved in that accident or anything about them. The only thing that he was told was that his friend 'Kyoutani' had passed away during the unfortunate event.

Iwaizumi wasn't able to shut an eye that whole night and the next day he immediately headed to Starooze. He walked in quickly searching around the place, Suga noticed and angrily stomped towards him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here after what you did to Oikawa last night?!" Suga grabbed him and pulled him to the side.

"I need to talk to him"

"Are you even aware of what you did?! you literally got him kicked out of his home and now he's staying with me, feeling like a burden all because of you!"

"Sugawara, I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry but I really need to see him, it's urgent" Iwaizumi said with a distressed voice which caused Suga to waver a little but he didn't give in.

"Say what you need to say to me, I'll let him know"

Iwaizumi let out a sigh "do you know what high school Oikawa went to?"

"Why do you need to know that?"

"Please!" Iwa raised his voice a little "just answer my question"

"He went to Aoba Johsai two years before moving to my high school, but why is that so important? I'm confused"

"I went there.." Iwaizumi said in disbelief.


"I have to go, thanks Suga"

"What the heck! why are you just leaving like that?!"

Iwaizumi rushed out of Starooze and went to see Daichi, he needed to talk to someone about this. Endless questions were going through his head, who was Oikawa to him back in high school? why did he act like he did something horrible in the past? was Oikawa.. someone he hated? or, did he have something to do with the accident?

To be continued..

[a/n: just in case there's confusion, Iwa wasn't the one who uploaded Oikawa's pic, that was some random guy that was a customer at Starooze :)]

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