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"Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green

Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain."

After going to the bathroom to pee.
Sometime in the night I'd rolled away and Luciano had followed. Splayed along my spine, every inch of that perfect bare skin I'd tried- and failed so damn badly- not to notice, was curved to mirror his sleeping form.

Frustration was far from the right word to encompass all the things I was feeling, but I froze for several long minutes all the same. When the deep, even, breaths against the back of my neck had assured me that Luc had to be still asleep, I began trying to wiggle away.

And then I realized Luc had clutched his hands to his own chest, like he was afraid to touch me awake, like he wasn't allowed. Which- fine, it wasn't fine- was so ridiculous it made me furious.

I got up slowly and picked up my clothes off the ground and walked out of the room to the bathroom.

My phone vibrated as I took it out of my handbag, many missing calls from Rayne, Sarah and Kyle.

Sarah: Girl where are you at? Kyle said you are going out. And Rayne is here telling us what happened.

Oh fuck! I threw my phone in my bag and changed into joggers and a shirt oversized from the closet. I can't stay here. I dialed the number from Sarah she finally picked up at the third ring.

"Bitch where are you, did you at least have fun." "Just pick me at the Versailles Hotel," I hear giggle from the other side of the line, " I'll be there in 10." I got out of the bathroom walking through the dark hallway ending up in the living room of the hotel room.

Pink sunlight shines through the window, the sunrise is beautiful today. He came to make it feel so easy to fall in love with him. I want to stay, but there is a mother and others including Rayne who make it so difficult. I feel like I'm in an Ocean and every load on my shoulder drowns me under the water until I suffocate.

I grab an empty sheet and a pencil from the table, writing my address and new phone number on it, drawing a little heart on the button. Then I walk up to the door opening slowly not to make a noise.

I waited for Sarah to pick me up, as I got a message for her, telling me that I should come to Aunty Lee's, which isn't far away from her.

I put my headphones on to forget all my problems by hearing music. I almost reached the restaurant as I suddenly ramp into a boy he seems to be at the age of 16.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you." I removed my headphones as I eyed him, stopping at his beautiful green eyes. It's a kind of green that speaks to the soul of nature, of fresh wands of grass and new buds, and his eyes were that bright colour, bold and beautiful. But I could also see pain in it.

"No worries." His voice trails off, he continues to walk faster as a picture fell down on the ground. I pick it up glancing at it, a boy and a girl embracing each other into a hug while watching the sunset.

I turn the picture and see the names written on the back, the boy is definitely called Kayden and the girl Sloane.

"Hey Kayden." He turns and I give him a hand sign to come back. On his left eyebrow side I can see a cut which started to bleed. He slows down when he sees that I have the photo in my hand.

"Do you want to get some food then we can take care of your cut." I suggest and he shakes his hand as I hand him over the picture, which quickly disappears. We walk across the street to the restaurant.

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