Shu x reader (Back together)

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Ok, hope its not bad... Enjoy. Don't mind me, just simping here...


Y/N= your name

L/N= last name

B/S= birthstone

D/N= Dad's name

U/LN= Unknown Last Name

B/T= Bey type

B/N= Bey name



6 Years Ago

"Do you really have to go?" Shu whined," I'm going to miss you." Y/N started have a sad face, she had to move to a different part of Japan, and she was not happy with it.

 "Ya I have to Shu- Im going to miss you ,Xander, and Valt..." Y/N trailed off. "WAIT UP!!!" Valt's voice cried in a distance. He was running at least 40 miles per hour with Xander next to him running about 70 miles per hour.

"Yes Valt?" I asked him casually with a bit of a frown. Valt started panting was soon as he arrived, too tired to say anything,

"Well, as Valt calms down, Y/N, me, Valt, and Xander are going to miss you, so we got you this," Shu said with a slight blush on his face. He held out his hand, a necklace was in the middle of his palm.

{It doesn't have to a an "A", I could be any you choose, B/S is your own, it could be different color}

{It doesn't have to a an "A", I could be any you choose, B/S is your own, it could be different color}

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"I- Its beautiful Shu! It even has my initial and B/S ,wait how did you guys get?" Y/N asked. "Am I Late?" Valt asked while sweating. "No your not Valt, Y/N we... sorta saw it at the small store nearby, we got our money and paid for it," Shu repiled. Y/N was surprised, they would spend money on that for me?!

I got the necklace and admired it greatly. "Promise me that we will meet again!" Y/N said. "Of course!" Shu repiled. "We will miss you Y/N," Xander said.

*Honk*Honk "Honey it's time to go," D/N said. Y/N hopped into the van and waved goodbye to her friends, they waved back.

Present Time

Shu's POV

"All right bey fans! The next teams face offs are... Beigoma Academy Bey Club vs The Beasts! This aut to be epic, stay tuned boys and girls!" Hanami announced though the TV. "Cool! Ken is going to be there!" Valt exclaimed. "Ya, we get to see our old buddy again!" Rantaro agreed.

"Can you two please be quiet, im searching up info about the opposing team," Wakiya complained. The two stared at him for a long time, wondering 'what's his problem?'

"Got the info," Wakiya said, holding up this tablet," The captain is Ben Azuki, and the other bladers are Ken Midori, Yoga Sakurajima, Raita U/LN, and the last one, also the one we should be should be looking out for, Y/N L/N. She has a B/T bey, she has been going up the rankings. Her bey's name is B/N"

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