Right after she was done, Rose turned on the shower and then started to take off her clothes. I spit in the sink and then looked at her as she pulled down her pants.

"What are you doing?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Showering" She chuckled "Care to join?"

I smirked and nodded, taking off my clothes and stepping into the shower with her.

She closed her eyes, putting her head back into the water and drenching her hair, letting the water trickle down her body. I pushed her further into the water, submerging both of us.

Rose chuckled and blinked through the water, looking into my eyes as my arms wrapped around her waist.

"Feels like we're dancing in the rain" She smiled, her cheeks bunching up as she showed her teeth.

I smiled, kissing her lips and pulling our bare bodies closer together "I'll dance with you in actual rain if that's what you want. Anything for someone as beautiful as you." I kissed her again as she blushed "Now," I grabbed the shampoo "Turn around"

She took her hair out of the water and I applied the shampoo.

I couldn't help but think of what she would think of me after I told her what the nightmare was about. But right now wasn't a time to worry about it. I was with her and needed to focus on that. Rose seemed to take all of the bad memories away and replace them with happiness.

I was falling madly in love with her.


Rose Malfoy

Time had passed and it was now 10 pm and we were in Scarlett's dorm getting ready with Astoria and Pansy. Astoria was behind me, doing my hair while Pansy was doing Scarletts. I had just got done with Astoria's hair and Pansy had done her own earlier.

"I talked to Draco," Astoria said, curling pieces of my hair. Pansy and Scarlett were talking amongst themselves.

"About?" I questioned as I leaned forward and fixed some of my makeup.

"You and Blaise." Instantly, I dropped the lipgloss and looked at her through the mirror.

"Tell me you didn't fucking tell him. I swear, Astoria-"

"Calm down" She laughed, "I didn't say anything. All I did was ask him what would happen if you guys hypothetically got together."

"And?" I quirked a brow "He said he'd rather have you date Blaise than anyone else, so I guess that's good"

"But he didn't say if he was okay with it or not"

"Yeah, but at least part of his opinion is out there. Okay. You're done" She turned off the curling iron and looked at the other two girls "Done?" She asked them.

"Yep," Pansy replied.

We all walked together over to the door, but the thoughts stayed in my head.

Astoria was right. Part of Draco's opinion was out there. And it was a positive one too. I didn't have to worry about him being mad about it, and him killing Blaise, but I still had to think about how I would tell him. How I was falling and couldn't stop.

Soon enough, we entered the common room, music blasting from stereos and the scent of muggle weed filling the air. Sweaty bodies danced around and on each other in such sexual ways that you would need to water your eyes with holy water to feel okay again. Sixth years sat at some couches, most making out and fucking each other through clothing. Red solo cups all around on the floor and randomly set on tables and around the stairs. It was a true party.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now