Chapter 3: What a bad Idea

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Once, Izuku had safely teleported back to the right location he looked around to make sure they were really safe in that area. After Izuku was done scanning around the place that was a random street corner he decided to take a brake and get some of his energy back. This was mainly because when they were teleporting around Japan he used up a lot of his stamina and never expected to have to fight a crowd of villains. Izuku then used this moment to take a nap but forgot to move anywhere else so he was pretty much Lying on Toga.

After, a few minutes Toga suddenly woke up and noticed her friend laying sideways on her. "Oh Izuku you you look so cute," toga said giggling to herself. Izuku later woke up and noticed he was on something, something familiar. "Hehe Look who woke up," this caught Izuku of guard and once he realize, "Eh!?" it was too late. He was already turning red. Izuku then hastily got up and just stood there facing the nearby wall with his hood up and hands in his pockets still somewhat Shocked by that experience. Toga giggled to herself some more knowing that with the time she had, she managed to get some more of Izuku's blood without him realizing.

After that brief moment of awkwardness Izuku ask toga if she wanted to go back? Toga obliged because she felt like enough had happened for today. Izuku then put his hand on Toga's shoulder and then within a blink of an eye they where back. Once they where back at Izuku's apartment complex they both said there goodbyes for the day and made one last promises.

The next day Izuku and Toga were talking with each other about what they planned to do in life. Toga said how she wanted to "make life easier," and help Japan in her own way. Izuku however just wanted to help others and move as far away from the fame as possible. Both of them had their own ideas and a process on life but nether could really agree since one requires you to make a name for yourself in someway and the other just wanted to get the job done and move on to the next without hurting as many people a possible.

While the two were talking to each outer Izuku came up with an idea. He decided that he was going to join the villain in Hosu to see if he could get some information out of them and hopefully backstab then later. Izuku didn't want to tell toga about his plan because he felt like it was just a bad place to be and probably wouldn't help her in the end but he did...

"Remember the villains back in Hosu?" Izuku asked. Toga went silent. "I have an idea, but we'll have to give up everything for it." Izuku added on. Toga already didn't like how this idea sounded but she let him go on. " we souls join the guy who was commanding all of the other villains there, get some information out of them and see where that'll get us." Toga didn't like the idea of giving up everything and moving on to something else. Well she didn't like the idea of Izuku giving up everything and moving on.

"No," Toga said cleanly. Izuku responded to this by saying, "but I'll work you'll just have to trust me." Toga didn't  know how to respond to this because she usually puts a lot of trust in him but she just felt like this was too much even for him to handle. "... fine," toga said with some doubts in her mind.

The next day they both took all their stuff. Before leaving for good Izuku left a note on his desk for Inko to read.

After, all of the heart ships Izuku teleported them to the place were they fought all of the villains and were now wondering the streets of Hosu city trying to find the villain hideout and their boss, if they're luck. "Do you think they'll fall for it?" Toga asked in a serious tone. "Oh I'm very sure they will," Izuku answered back. After a few minutes they found a bar and heard many unusual things in there about taking revenge on those who wronged them and potentially killing All Might. "Welp this is the place," Izuku said nocking on the door.

(Sorry the the slow updates)

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