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As i'm picking up my coffee from the shop near work my phone starts ringing, the people around me shoot dirty looks my way at the loud ringtone. I quickly slide my phone out of my purse biting my lip feeling bad, a smile comes to my face when I see Charles' name on my screen. Once i've accepted the call I bring the device to my ear, "hey" I say happily, "chérie j'ai une ideé magnifique" Charles tells me, I leave coffee shop with a giggle, "okay tell me" you reply while walking towards the office building which houses your work. "I know that you're busy with the drawing project right now, but I was hoping that you could maybe come see me race at Silverstone this weekend" Charles' statement makes me come to an abrupt stop on the sidewalk, causing the people walking around me to grumble in annoyance.

After a few seconds of processing the Monégasque's request I come back to reality, "Della, est tu là?" I smile at his question, "oui je suis ici" I hear him sigh in relief, "when do you want me to get there?" I add as I continue walking towards work, "is Saturday okay?" he asks. I bite my lip thinking over what I still need to finish by the end of the week to determine when I can leave for the race, "I should be done my weekly tasks by then" I tell the Ferrari driver as I walk into the office building, going to the elevator, "amazing, i'll get your plane ticket now" he explains, "Charles, I can pay for my plane ticket" I hear some clicks on his end before he talks, "I know that Del, but you're my guest for the weekend it's the least I can do" I sigh hearing the determination in his voice, "okay but only this time" there's more clicking on his end making me shake my head while smiling. The elevator doors open seconds later making me look up from my feet, "okay all booked, and i'll even pick you up when you land" I smile at the happiness in his voice, "parfait, j'ai hâte de te voir" he chuckles, "moi aussi chérie" I stop outside of the offices, "I have to go, i'm about walk into work" I tell Charles, "bonne journée Del" he replies, "toi aussi" I can picture the smile on his face as I hang up the call to get into work mode.


Before I know it i'm landing at the airport nearest the track early Saturday morning. I let out a yawn as I walk into the open space of the airport my carry on in hand. "DELLA!" I snap my head up at the shout, my eyes almost immediately landing on Charles, who is trying to hide beneath a baseball cap. I grin breaking into a jog towards the Monégasque, when i'm close enough I pull him down for a long awaited kiss. Charles pulls me closer, his hand cradling my face, I smile into the kiss breaking us apart. "Hi" I say quietly while looking into his light eyes, "bonjour ma chérie" he replies while brushing some hair behind my ear, "allons-y tu as Q1 et 2 aujourd'hui" he nods and he takes my hand to lead me to baggage claim, where I grab my small suitcase. "Est-tu excité?" he asks as we walk out of the airport hand-in-hand, "tellement excité" I reply with a grin as he unlocks the Ferrari we're approaching in the visitors parking lot. He opens the passenger door for me with a smile, I can't help but kiss him again briefly before sliding into the sports car.

After dropping off my things and changing into my bright red Ferrari shirt we head to the track, where he will be doing a last practice and then both qualifiers. When Charles leads me into the venue, I can't help but look around in awe taking mental pictures as we walk towards the paddocks."Being here versus watching on TV is so different" I murmur while smiling, "you haven't even seen the half of it Del" Charles exclaims and squeezes your hand. When we're about to enter the Ferrari paddock I remember the one thing I needed to tell the Monégasque before he races, "oh! be careful on your timing, the axel on turn 1 is so tricky" I say, he looks over at me in surprise, "t'est certain que tu n'as jamais regarder un course?"he asks. I nod before giggling as I swing our interlocked hands between us, "since my boyfriend's life revolves around the sport I got a week long crash course from my brother on everything Formula 1" I explain proudly, "t'es incroyable ma chérie" he tells me with a grin, "j'essaie" I say with a shrug making him laugh and bring me to his side. "Charles!" we look toward the voice, a man in Ferrari team clothes approaches quickly, "come on FP3 is starting soon" he tells the driver. I smile looking up at the brunette, "bonne chance" I exclaim, he grins before pressing a quick kiss to my lips, "merci Del" he murmurs before leaving with the Ferrari team member.

I start to turn around to make my way to the grandstand but a hand comes to my shoulder. I jump slightly looking back, "oops didn't mean to scare you, Charles requested that you watch from the garage" the girl in a Ferrari headset explains, making me grin while following her into the paddock. "I'm Della" I say politely, "I'm Alexia, one of the content producers" she replies with a smile, "it's so nice to meet you" I add. We fall into a conversation quickly realizing that we will get along perfectly the next two days at the track. Once we walk into the garage, Alexia hands me a bright red headset, "to protect your ears" she explains, I nod and nearly have a heart attack when Carlos Saintz's car starts in the neighbouring pit box. "Geez I didn't think it would be that loud" my new friend laughs, "you never do, the headset will be a saviour" I nod sliding them on which muffles the majority of the noise surrounding me.

I take a minute to look around at all of the people running around to make any last adjustments to the car sitting in front of where i'm standing. My mind immediately goes to my brother, who would be on cloud nine if he was here, the thought makes me pull out my phone to discreetly take a picture of the signature red car. Hands come to my hips from behind making me squeal in surprise, I look behind me to see Charles smiling, he brings the mic hanging over the collar of his fireproof shirt up to his mouth, "the headset looks amazing on you" I bring my hands up to my headset grinning at the sound of his voice through it. He smiles sliding a hand into mine to squeeze it before he walks over to his engineers fully zipping up his race suit as he prepares to get into his car. I watch happily as the Monégasque climbs into the bright red car my hands holding down the headset when the crew turns on the engine. My grin widens when Charles drives out of the pit box and out to the track, my gaze moving to look at the many screens showing the progress on track.


Liked by Plechateau and others

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Liked by Plechateau and others

16LechateauDella all that I can say is WOW, what a fun day at Silverstone 🥰🏎

wrentellier I'm jealous, take us next time

emietach what she said!

charlesleclerc thank you for coming along chérie 😊

Plechateau i hope you took pictures and gave credit for all your knowledge
- charlesleclerc she did do both don't worry



chérie j'ai une ideé magnifique - I have an amazing idea

est tu là - are you there

oui je suis ici -yeah i'm here

j'ai hâte de te voir - I can't wait to see you

moi aussi - me too

bonne journée - have a good day

allons-y tu as Q1 et 2 aujourd'hui - come on you have Q1 and 2 today

Est-tu excité - are you excited

t'est certain que tu n'as jamais regarder un course - you're sure that you've never watched a race

t'es incroyable - you're incredible

j'essaie - I try

bonne chance - good luck

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