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Reality hits the next day while i'm getting dressed to go into my new workplace to sign a contract for my first real adult job. I shake my head in disbelief before I put on some makeup to complete my look. When i'm done in my bathroom I go down to the kitchen where my parents are sitting while eating their breakfast. "There she is" my dad exclaims with a smile, I go over to the fridge to gather some things to make a quick breakfast, "how are you feeling Del?" my mom asks, I shrug my eyes staying on the food i'm making, "i'm okay, nervous but okay" I reply with a small smile. She walks over before kissing my head, "you'll be great, and this is just signing the contract you don't start for another week" I nod and she walks away letting me continue what i'm doing. When I slide into the drivers seat of my car minutes later my phone vibrates. The grin that overtakes my face at Charles' have a great day text makes me forget why I was so nervous to sign a work contract. I start the car and drive away from the house towards the workplace I could potentially be at for a long time.

Once I arrive, I smooth down my clothes and run my fingers through my hair. I walk up to the reception desk telling the man sitting there who I am. He tells me to sit down and that someone will come get me shortly. My gaze moves around the room loving the artistic touches that are included, giving me a good feeling about the job i've been hired to do. "Della?" I look to the voice to see a blonde woman smiling at me, "that's me" she nods as I stand up going over to her, "i'm Michelle, head of HR" she tells me as we walk further into the offices, "nice to meet you" I exclaim. The two of us step into a boardroom before she puts down a folder, my eyes widen at the stack of papers, "it looks more intimidating than it is" Michelle explains, "yeah I get that" she laughs, "take your time to read this over and once you've signed in all of the necessary spots Terri is right outside and she'll pass these on to me" I smile at the blonde woman, "thank you" she smiles and walks out of the room.

Later I walk out of the boardroom the stack of papers tucked into the folder as I spot a girl watching me. I walk over with a smile, "Terri?" I ask, she nods a smile coming to her face, "welcome to our family Della!" she exclaims, I can tell right away that we're going to get along, "thanks, I can't wait to start" she takes the folder from me, "to be honest we need more artists here, spruce up the joint" I giggle and she does too. "Terri I hope that you aren't scaring away our new hire" I tense up at the sound of the familiar voice, "not at all boss, I think i'm going to keep her" my new co-worker says, I bite my lip and close my eyes to collect myself before turning around. "Della?" I look into the eyes of the guy that caused all the hurt I felt and still feel, "Josh" I say curtly, wondering why out of all of the places that I could've gotten hired it was at the same company as him. He walks away seconds later, saying bye to us quickly, "uhhhh what was that?" I look over at Terri who's eyes are filled with confusion, "it's ancient history, it doesn't matter" I reply not wanting to tell her what happened between us, "ohhhkay, anyways you're free to go Della" I smile at her, "see you next week" she nods and I spin on my foot to leave the office without breaking down.


As soon as I get into my car I lean my head back against the headrest a tear escaping and rolling down my cheek. I take a deep breath and wipe it away before taking out my phone to go to the group chat.

You'll never guess who works at my new job


Yes, unfortunately he does

fuck babe that's wild

why am I cursed like this? I was doing just fine never seeing him again

the world works in weird ways Del

what are you going to do?

well I can't quit, that would mean he wins and I worked hard for this job so i'm just going to suck it up and be an adult about it

you're my idol Del ❤️

love you so much, i'm so proud of you Del

thanks for your support guys, wouldn't have gotten this far without you

I take another deep breath as I put my phone away, focusing on driving back home to spend the rest of the day sketching, knowing that it will calm me down even more.


Liked by charlesleclerc, emietach and others

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Liked by charlesleclerc, emietach and others

16LechateauDella drawing always cures a not so good day 😁

charlesleclerc i'm here if you need to talk ❤️
- 16LechateauDella I might take you up on that 💕

emietach why do bad things happen to good people?
- 16LechateauDella because life isn't fair even if we wish it was

ariellelechâteau77 you'll get through whatever has got you down ❤️
- 16LechateauDella je t'aime Ri

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