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When I finally get back home after the day with Charles I flop onto my bed with a grin. Before I can relax too much my phone vibrates several times, I groan and take the device in my hand seeing that my friends are having a time in the group chat.

Della! Talk to us! You can't leave us hanging like this!

What was that whole post about?!?

We went to breakfast and then I took him to the top of the Space Needle
...and we might've kissed 🤭


Aweeeee babe that's like something out of a John Hughes movie

It was perfect
I really like him
I can see a future with this guy

I'm so happy for you Del

I think the minute we met the guy we knew he was perfect for you 💕

He leaves for Monaco tomorrow, and then he has a race in Italy
Do you think we'll get through this distance?

I have no doubt that you two will get through it

What she said!

He wants me to come to the airport with him
I never thought I would be someone that cries when saying goodbye but I think that'll be the case
He's changing me in so many ways guys

You care about him that much Del
When you're done you can come over and we can watch some funny movies to soften the blow

I love you guys thank you 💕💕




I smile at the messages left by my friends laying back to stare at my ceiling. "Del?" I turn my head towards the doorway to see Pierre standing there, "aw man I forgot to bring him over" I exclaim while slapping my forehead, "sure you 'forgot' to" he replies, "I swear I did! Time got away from us and the thought left my mind" he rolls his eyes but shrugs, "next time then" I nod and he walks away leaving me alone. My phone starts ringing in my hand, I lift it above my head and smile when I see that it's my cousin Arielle, so I accept the call before bringing the device to my ear.

"Salut Ri" I say happily, "Della qui est ce gars? do I need to warn him?" she exclaims, I laugh, "I met Charles in Monte Carlo, we've been talking ever since and I like him so much Ri" I keep my eyes on the ceiling as I think about Charles, "you should've told me sooner, I've missed all of this time to be happy for you Del" I shrug even if she can't see me, "he surprised me at work a few days ago and I took him sightseeing and we kissed on top of the Space Needle" she squeals making me giggle, "you sound like you love him" I blink a few times at her statement, "I'm not sure Ri, I don't think I know what love is, because I certainly didn't have it with Josh" she sighs, "it's pretty amazing Del, love is being with a person that makes everything okay and someone who wants the best for you and who supports you through everything" I let out a laugh, "god why does that all describe Charles" there's a silence on her end so I start to twirl my hair, "I'm grinning so hard that my cheeks hurt, you just can't see it" she tells me, "but seriously there's no rush, if you aren't ready for that take it slow, Charles seems like a really great person that is sure to understand" I bite my lip going over what she's telling me. I sigh running a hand down my face, "Ri be honest with me?" I ask, "of course" she replies, "am I crazy for starting a relationship with a guy that I'll rarely see?" there's a short silence before she speaks, "yes, but the way you talk about Charles makes me believe that you guys are the real deal and that distance can only make you grow fonder of each other" I smile, "je t'aime Ri, merci pour éccouter" I tell her in French, "de rien cousine, je suis toujours ici pour toi" I nod and hang up the phone.


Liked by charlesleclerc, ariellelechâteau77 and others

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Liked by charlesleclerc, ariellelechâteau77 and others

16LechateauDella Never let go ❤️

charlesleclerc jamais Della 💕

émietach omg the cutest

wrentellier I'm sobbing this is goals

Plechateau take care of my sister
- charlesleclerc I will



qui est ce gars - who is this boy

je t'aime Ri, merci pour éccouter - I love you Ri, thank you for listening

de rien cousine, je suis toujours ici pour toi - your welcome cousin, i'll always be here for you

jamais - never

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