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A/N banana suit Charles is perfection 😂🍌

Going back to work the Monday after Charles race has me remembering his surprise appearance. This leaves a smile on my face as I approach my cubicle. "Del!" I look over to see Terri smiling at me, "spill girl, you left me hanging there" I smile sheepishly at my new work friend, "oops" I mumble, she waves away my lame apology before tugging me to sit in the vacant chair next to her. "So who is he and where can I get one?" I laugh quietly at her question, "Charles is someone very important to me and you could try Monaco, that's where I met him" she blinks a few times, "wait you're being serious?" I nod, "went there for a trip with friends and met him there" she smiles, "we'll isn't that just the cutest thing" I blush looking away from her only to see Josh looking our way. I flick my gaze back to Terri immediately, "I should go I have a bunch to finish, but we can talk more at lunch" she nods and I go to my cubicle. I shrug off my coat once seated before booting up my computer to bring up the project documents needed to complete any updates necessary for my drawings.

A half hour flies by and a knock on my cubicle wall make me look over my shoulder, "an F1 driver, really Della?" the surprise both in Josh's voice and expression make me tilt my head confused. "You didn't think anyone would notice while you were at a tourist spot?" I turn around completely with a sigh, "well show me the pictures then" I exclaim not wasting any time, he takes out his phone and types a few things before handing over the device. I look down at the screen seeing a couple of photos of me and Charles hand-in-hand while on the way to the Space Needle, we both look happy and nothing bad is being written about us so I smile. "These are great photos" I say while giving Josh his phone back, "that's all you're going to say about the matter?" I shrug, "what do you want me to say? that I can't handle being in a relationship?" your ex-boyfriend shrugs, "we've been working here together for over a month, you need to stop this being protective act because you lost that right a long time ago" you add, "I'm just looking out for you Della" he says, "I didn't ask you too, that F1 driver in those pictures does that now and he's doing a damn good job at it" I reply before turning back to my computer hoping that it cuts the conversation short. You hear a sigh from Josh but he doesn't say anything so you assume he's gone.


When I get back to the house hours later, I kick off my shoes and shuffle to my bedroom. I sigh dropping my bag on the floor by my desk before changing into something comfier for the rest of the evening. Your phone chimes so you check the messages in the group chat.

OMG Del do I have a picture for you

will it make my day better?

oh no what happened?

the day started out great but then Josh, this guy starts to act protective over me when he finds out i'm with Charles through some article that was posted


YES, I obviously told him that it isn't his place to look out for me

Babe, i'm so sorry

why do guys do this?

god and I walked into work grinning because of Charles, I guess it was crazy to think I could be happy a whole day

okay you DEFINITELY need this picture that i'm about to send

When the picture comes through I laugh out loud, it looks like a screenshot from a gaming stream and Charles is wearing a banana suit over his headset a grin on his face. I immediately save it to my phone knowing that i'm going to make it my lock screen later.

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