"Don't worry about me judging you sweetheart. I'm here to not judge. I'm here to make sure you and your baby don't have to worry about graduating and getting to college. are you going to Duke?" She pointed towards the sweatshirt.

"If i can i will. I applied. The father did too." She looked back on her screen and click something. 

"Speaking of which, his name is?"

"Luke Hemmings." She paused for a moment and i knew what was going through her mind. She said no judging me but she will definitely judge Luke and she should. He made some pretty messed up choices and ours was just because we were careless and thought to be without consequence. There is definitely a consequence. She shook off the initial reaction before going on. 

"Since we don't know the sex then you can come back next week and change it. My name is Tanya and i am the one in charge of this center. Your baby has a spot for two months. May and June. They will be taken out of the program upon your graduation. You can come and talk to me any time about anything or you can look around when you get mama anxiety. Who will be paying the fee?"

"My parents."

"Lucky girl that they are helping you. Not many of the girls who are coming through here have that help."

"Yes. I am very lucky." I couldn't help but think of Amber the whole time she printed out the copies of enrollment for both Luke and I. We apparently both need to sign since we're going to be the parents. I couldn't even take my mind away from her while i met with my counselor about home study. She has no one to help her on her side. From what Luke told me it sounds like it's just her dad. It sounds like they aren't close either. I walked down the hallway towards the group as we had just been released for study hall. "This is yours." I shoved Luke's packet into his chest going to my locker.

"Bad meeting. What? Did they say you can't graduate?" He was suddenly really concerned. 

"Home study will go so smooth it's ridiculous."

"Well it's not the day care." He lifted his packet before realizing how big it was. "Are we having twins or something?"

"It's forms you need to read and sign before they start. We both need to do it and that's not why i'm in a bad mood."

"Then why?"

"She has nobody. My parents are all over me with prenatal vitamins and doctors visits. She hasn't even heard her baby's heartbeat."

"She isn't your concern."

"Her baby's health is. That's my child's brother or sister. I can hate her all i want but i need to get over hating that baby. I'm starting now." The group looked at me shocked. "I need to go home."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I have an hour. I just need to go home and get something and i'll be back." I walked away before anyone could volunteer to come with me.


I can't believe i'm doing this for her. But i know how it feels. I have a heart attack every morning when they baby isn't moving and that's only because the baby is resting too. This is what helps me know she or he is there. Amber was putting her stuff in her locker when i walked up. She glared at me from the corner of her eye as i held out the white box to her. "What are you doing?" She asked making my stomach turn. I want to punch her straight in the jaw. But i'm the better person here.

"It's called a doppler. You turn it on and run the  wand over your stomach. It will find and read the baby's heartbeat. A healthy one is between 140 and 160 but i've heard of it going down to 130 or a little higher then 160."

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"Because i can get a new one and i know how terrifying it is to be a pregnant mom. Don't think too much into it. I will not be your friend."

"I don't want to be your friend."

"Just take it and pretend we never talked." Amber grabbed it out of my hand throwing it in her locker. I just walked away. Proud of myself for not completely tearing her a new one.

Amber's POV

It was completely silent when i walked into my house. My dad isn't meant to be home but nothing has stopped him yet from leaving work or not going at all. I heard a snore come from the living room and there he was. Laying on the couch with a cigarette in his hand. "I hate you." I said under my breath.

"Oh that's not fair." I turned around quickly seeing Jace leaning against the kitchen counter. "He's trying."

"He's as useful as you and he'll kill you if he sees that your in the house."

"If he can catch me with those extra eighty pounds he gained this year."

"It was only fifteen."

"Could have fooled me." He looked at me grinning. "How's my girl?"

"His girlfriend's trying to turn us into one big happy family. Probably just realized her baby and mine are related."

"I heard him when i was on the phone. What did you talk about?" Jace jumped up sitting on the actual counter.

"How the baby is going to live in my house? He completely freaked. I could just tell."

"That's good. Turn him into father bear and he'll get his mom and dad to fork over some money." I grinned. Jace's enthusiasm always got me. I stepped  in between his legs looking up into his eyes.

"You still love me right?"

"I wish i didn't." It's cruel but it's his version of love. I couldn't help loving him back. He grabbed my chin leaning down to kiss me. I love him. I love him. I love him. That's what i have to repeat to myself.

Luke's POV

My brother's were arguing about some stupid thing again at the table. My parents have had them over more often now. Probably trying to avoid any mention of any of Amber or Lydia. If it was just Lydia then my mom would be figuring it out and might even be planning the baby shower already but with the addition of Amber. They want nothing to do with me and her. So i have to force it. "Lydia got a slot in the school's day care for the baby." I just blurted it out. Starting with talking about Lydia might be easier. 

"That's nice Luke." My mom said turning her attention back to my brothers.

"And we find out next week what we are having. Amber finds out next month. It will be her first scan. The whole pregnancy she hasn't even been seen by a doctor. Can you believe that?"

"Luke." My father said as a warning.

"It's my life dad. Can't i talk to you about what i'm scared about. It's my kids and one of their mothers is going to have to give birth at home because she can't afford hospital costs."

"Excuse me?" My mother is invested. 

"Yeah. Please. Can we help her? I will work five jobs during the summer before Duke if i have to. I'm Scared dad." My mom looked from me to my dad then my brothers. I know they would be with me on everything but my dad is the problem. 

"I want to meet with her." Was all my dad said.

"So can we help her?"

"I will see what i can do about getting her an insurance for this coming calendar year but that's it. She will have to get a job and get her own insurance for next year."

"Thank you. I will pay you back dad."

"No you will not." I was shocked to hear it and from what i could tell so was the rest of my family. "I would do anything to keep you boys safe from the beginning. As a father, i understand. This is my grandchild as much as Lydia's is. Speaking of which. What does Lydia need?" I  scuffed looking at my mom.

"Probably for you guys to start talking to her parents again." My mom closed her eyes breathing a sigh of relief. Our moms were always close. My mom needed a woman to be friend's with and Lydia's mom was the only one she got along with.

"Thank god." She said causing the rest of us to laugh together for the first time in over a month.

Double Daddy (Luke Hemmings)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें