15: Caffeine

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Chapter 15


He tilted his head, brows drawn. He came back in his proper seat, and looked at me, awkwardly. He massaged the bridge of his nose. He now looks confused. I am too. Why did he do that?

“I–I’m... uh, sorry.” He folded his sleeves until it reached his elbows. I nodded unconsciously, not knowing what to react. “Anyways, the sorority recruitment was restored, right? Are you going to be one of those senior trainers?”

I was a little bit amazed of how he managed to avoid the embarrassment and awkwardness between the two of us. He was so good at shifting the topic so I wouldn’t have the chance to ask for what just happened.

It was clearly confusing. I have no idea why he kissed me on my forehead before saying those words. He loved me? How? When? When did that happen? When did he discover his feelings?

“Why? You would be one?” His eyebrows met. “Everyone wanted you to be their senior trainer. And, everyone wants to meet you. They’ve said that you’re exciting to be with. I have never known that you’re failing students when they didn’t meet your speculations.” I grinned at him.

“You’re drifting away,” He then shook his head, and his jaw clenched. “I was asking you a question, I have never told you to answer me with another question.”

“Oh.” My lips parted for a moment, then let out a small laugh. I couldn’t utter a single word again. I have no words to said.

“I have no proclovity to meet anyone else.” I had an almost irresistible impulse to giggle. “But, I do want to see you how will you manage to teach your students.”

“Why? If I tell you yes, are you going to be with me during the training?”

He tilted again his head as he licked his lips distractingly. “Is it so hard to accept that I want to see you teaching your students?”

I, myself is my own student. I have lot things to find out and to learn. I couldn’t handle any students if I, myself have so many things that I still don’t know. I still have a lot to learn, one of them is balancing learned strength and inborn ability.

“Why?” I found myself again unable to look away from his watered lips. “Are you that interested in me?”

He smirked at me, revealing his almost deep dimple on his left cheek. “If I tell you yes, will you going to do the same?” He said, giving me back my answer.

My stomach flipped in thrill. Why would you give me butterflies if you’ll kill them in the end?

The time passed and I didn’t respond on him. The moment between us remained silent, and all I could hear was people murmuring, ordering, and talking. Even the sound of coffee that being made, I heard it.

It was so silent that I could even hear my heart beat. It was so loud, and clear. Maybe, Achadler is the reason why I am feel nervous all the time. That doesn’t mean that he’s making me uncomfortable, he’s just too intense for me. I can’t handle his presence. Maybe, I could, but I just can’t long it.

“Thanks for having a date with me,” I talked when we arrived at our mansion. Thank to myself for not making an awkward actions while we are on our way on our mansion. 

Before he open the car’s locked door, he put his hand on the backrest of the passenger seat. Then, he moved closer so he could plant a kiss on my forehead. It lasted for one minute, then he moved away.

His tiny smile appeared again. “The next time we’ll having a date, tell me about yourself. For I know what you dislike and what you want.”

Now, he opened the door for me. It felt so surreal, knowing that someone really want to know me, my whole me. Because, sometimes, I always think that I am different with others.

I am not good with people. I don’t talk a lot, I don’t know how to initiate a conversation. But, if you do the first move, I’ll talk back. I hate shallow conversations and unfunny jokes.

I always distance myself from the crowd whenever I can. I just like it that way. But, even so, my heart longs for the love that would talk to my soul when my lips can’t find the words to utter. I desire for someone who understands my silence but knows when it’s too much.

I want someone who’s willing to make funny faces just so I can plaster a smile. I really desire for someone to break the walls I had to put up some time ago. I want that kind of love to save me.

He scratched his eyebrows before staring at my face. I could feel my redness because of how deep his stares are. I’ve never seen eyes as dark as his. The wind blew my hair sidewards, blocking my vision.

Before I could put my hands on my hair, Adler has already done that. Slowly, he put the left strands of my hair at the back of my ears. Now, it no longer blocked my vision. I could clearly saw how fine and manly his features are.

He gestured me to enter our mansion. I nodded for a response then waved my hand while I was walking away. He stood there, watching me leave him behind. He leaned on his car, not even trying to enter his car.

I entered the mansion, then I look for him when the gate closed. He glanced at our mansion, before entering his car. Then, in just one snap, he was already towing his car.

When he left, the pain attacked my head. I immediately look for something to hold on to. An image of a man appeared in my head. It was blurred but his voice was loud and clear.

“You will experience the feeling of betrayal that came from your colleagues, not from your enemies.” His voice was broken saying those words.

A flash of light made me came back to reality. The headache left me and I was suddenly in front of our main door.

I was about to open the main door when someone opened it for me. It slowly reveals Darius with his cold stare. In his appearance today, it looks like he just went of a mission.

His face has an incision wound at the top of his eyebrow, and he also has a gauge on the side of the collarbone. I raised my eyebrows at what I saw. If I was the Rana back then, I would definitely go crazy about it. But now, I didn’t even flinch.

I looked at him, directly. He wasn’t not even blinking or looking to something or someone. He was just looking at me, directly as well. I felt the need to explain myself, but I didn’t. Instead, I let myself enters the mansion without talking.

“Where have you been?” I could feel the emphasis in his deep voice.

“Caffeine.” I said, walking continuously.

I sensed that he followed my walk. His every step were heavy. “With whom?”

I stopped walking and faced him. “I was with Archadler Vesarius.” I talked, then walked towards him. I caressed his broad shoulders. “What happened?”

He raised a brow, he didn’t try to glance at my hands. I sighed heavily and have no choice so I talked. “I had a date with him. He invited me.” I said and smiled. “There’s nothing to go with our clan, right? So, that’s obviously fine.”

He shook his head then dropped my hand. He then caressed his own shoulders. He immediately complained and flinched. “I was in trouble, dude! Pucha. I was looking for you the whole time so you can heal me immediately! Dude, you were not around!”


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