[70] - Drum Island Arc ~ 1

Start from the beginning

Everyone turns to see Sanji coming down the stairs with a plate of pastries.

"You've got me!" He grins confidently, thumbing to himself.

"And us." (First Name) states, joining the gathering group, with her Pack, the Guild and the Gems by her side, each ready to follow their leader and friend.

"Of course, (First Name)-koi~" He offers the sweets-filled platter to the women. "Here you go...Try these sweets. They'll help you relax. I've made some delicious tarts, and your choice of coffee or tea."

Vivi looks to Sanji with gratefulness. "Thank you..."

At the sight of the delicious-looking treats, Luffy, Usopp and even Carue rush in with drooling tongues hanging from their mouths and bill.

"Yours are in the kitchen! Now go!" The blond cook barks.

And quick as lightning, they're rushing for the galley. Luffy using his Gum-Gum powers to propel himself first.

"Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine..." Luffy can be heard singing.

Through the silliness of the three's scuttling, Nami's vision begins to blur and she's feeling the fatigue again.

Meanwhile, on the aft deck, a certain swordsman and quartermaster are beating themselves up about their battle on Little Garden, despite coming out victorious in the end.

"603...! 604...! 605! 60...6!" Zoro counts as he swings the massive set of weights with both hands, Kylie balancing atop it as it moves. "Damn it all! If I only could've cut that wax! I wouldn't have...left anyone hanging there! And (First Name) wouldn't have been caught by that Wax-Wax creep! I'm so weak!"

Ghin practices some Arnis techniques (First Name) left him to study, with some of the leftover weights as he spars with Jimanekia. "1...2...3...4...You think you're the only one who felt useless about all that? I've been able to shatter metal in the past but couldn't do jack about being turned into an almost once-living candle."

"If I'm gonna get stronger, I need to be able to slice through stuff like that from any stance!" Zoro states, not missing a beat in his swings.

"Come now, you two. You are both new to the Grand Line. You cannot expect to know how to fight off everything that comes around every corner here your first time around." The Yellow Pearl states eloquently as she spars with the quartermaster, never losing a beat.

"Yeah! You can't just expect to adapt immediately to a new environment." The Green Emerald adds in. "No offense but you did grow up in the Blue Seas, the East Blue specifically, which is the 'calmest' of the four Blues. And that's essentially a walk in the park for those who sail these waters. Everything there's somewhat predictable, unlike here. So don't go beatin' yourselves up."

"There is plenty of time for you both to get stronger." Jimanekia interjects, still keeping up with her sparring partner's movements. "Do you think someone like (First Name) just got strong overnight? No."

"Just because she's used to the unpredictability of Mother Nature here doesn't mean she was instantly the force to be reckoned with we know her to be now." Kylie inputs.

"It's all trial and error. She's no doubt made her share of mistakes and slip-ups."

"And besides, you may have lost the battle, but you ended up winning the war."

"So take this as a learning experience. Failure is the best teacher, after all. It's just whether or not you let it hold you that's what truly matters."

Said first mate in question is in a state of contemplation of her own about being nearly captured. Despite being as strong as she is, her water abilities are not invulnerable. They have drawbacks and weaknesses like any power, she's just adapted them to be able to handle varying types of opposition.

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