EP 5 Male Reader x Yandere Nekos

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???: Meow

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???: Meow

Ava: Oh baby they are so precious.

She picked up the white cat and I picked up the black one.

Ava: Do they have names yet?

(Y/N): I was thinking about naming them Dusk and Dawn even though it's a little on the nose. The white cat is Dawn and the black one is Dusk.

Ava: Well it's getting late, so we go to bed.

(Y/N): Come on. Do you girls want to come to bed with us?

Dusk: Meow.

(Y/N): I think that is a yes.

We went to bed with Dusk and Dawn between us.


It had been a few weeks since we brought Dusk and Dawn into our lives. They were definitely affectionate, but it was more to me than to Ava. I was playing with the cats when Ava came out of the bedroom.

Ava: Ready for work?

(Y/N): Yeah. I was gonna grab something to eat at the dinner before work wanna come?

Ava: That sounds nice it has been awhile since we had a date. I'll drive.

We left for breakfast, but something more interesting was happening at the house. The cats transformed into girls like they did everytime we left the house.

3rd Person POV

Dusk: Oh my god. I am so glad she is gone, but I wish (y/n) could've stayed.

Dawn: I know. We have barely any alone time with him. She keeps kicking us out of the bedroom at night, so they can mate.

Dusk: Who does she think she is mating with without meowster? Why can't we just kill her and take our rightful place as meowster's favorite girls?

Dawn: We will soon, but we need to make preparations.

Dusk: You know I heard meowster and that bitch talking about having a baby together. That's why they have been mating like animals.

Dawn: We can not let that happen. Dusk wanna join me in meowster's bed for a little catnap?

Dusk: Of course.

They girls grabbed two of your shirts and put them on. After that they crawled into bed, so they could pretend (y/n) was there with them. The girls slept until they were awoken by the sound of the front door opening.

Dawn: Dusk, wake up someone's home.

Ava had come back from work early and was on the phone with her mom.

Ava: Yeah mom I had been feeling off for like the past two weeks, so I took a pregnancy today and it was positive. I can't wait to tell (y/n). Yes mom he is ready for the commitment. We have even been talking about getting married.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now