18. Spaghetti Tacos

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~Aubree's Point of View~

My alarm went off and I hit my clock with my fist. I looked up and saw that I smashed the entire clock. "Opps", I said to myself.

I was so tired. I slid out of my bed and fell onto the ground and groaned. I pushed myself off of the floor and dragged myself to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower to wake myself up. When I got out of the shower I put on my 'a unicorn made me do it' shirt with black shorts. I put on my red converse and put my hair into French braids.

I went downstairs and made myself some toast with Nutella. Nutella was amazing and I was in love with it. If I could, I would no doubt marry Nutella. While I was eating my toast I heard a knock at my door. I took the piece of toast I was in the middle of eating and brought it to the door with me. I opened the door and saw Henry smiling. He was holding a rose in his hand.

"Hi...Henry", I saw awkwardly, "What's with the rose?"

"It's for you", Henry smiled, "I wanted to know if you'd be my Valentine?" I forgot that tomorrow was Valentine's Day. I wasn't a big fan; I thought that it was a stupid holiday. But Henry seemed to be into it so why not celebrate this year?

I laughed a little and nodded. "Sure...why not?"

Henry leaned in and pecked my lips. "You taste like Nutella."

"What? You don't like it?" I said as I took a bite from my toast.

"Oh...I do", Henry smirked and kissed me again but for much longer this time.

I pulled away and smiled. "Hey I'm eating here", I laughed.

Henry put his hands up laughing. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get in between you and your Nutella."

I smiled and grabbed my bag and penny board. "Ready to go?" I asked. Henry nodded and we walked out of my house.

"So after school, Ray said to go to the Man Cave", Henry said as we skated to school.

"For what?" I asked.

"You still need some tests done and he wanted us to hang out with Teddy and Max."

"Oh yeah, I forgot that we had company", I said smiling.

"Race ya!" Henry yelled skating as fast as he could in front of me.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I screamed. I laughed as I pushed my foot behind me.

Henry and I ran into Junk 'N' Stuff. Charlotte had to work on some project so she couldn't come with us. We ran into the elevator and I pushed the button. Henry screamed as I was able to just stand there now.

Henry fell to the ground as it stopped and the door opened. Ray was at his computer with Max breathing down his neck. I laughed a little.

"Hey Ray", I said realizing that I rhymed.

He was defiantly annoyed. "Hi guys", Ray said.

"Do you have anything here that could blow up the moon?" Max asked Ray.

"Uh, no...and if I did...why would I tell you?" Ray smirked crossing his arms. I laughed and looked at Henry who was also laughing. "Where's Charlotte?"

"Oh she had a project to do for school", Henry said.

"Teddy's little friend here has not gotten off my back ever since I started working."

Teddy walked into the Man Cave through the gear. "Hey guys", Teddy said smiling. I waved at her and smiled sweetly.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked Ray changing the subject.

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