Hereby Returned

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– T A Y A H –

As it turned out we were not the only pale skinned dwellers in Vargos. Though I had heard none speaking the Uccellon tongue in the streets. But it was becoming clear dark colours were a taboo for women. I glared down what seemed like the hundredth set of male eyes as I strutted past in shambles dark clothing. But the sun was almost gone. My face would soon be shadows.

They muttered something in the foreign tongue and I bit the urge to set their own clothes alight. I wonder if they would have such issues with mine then–

"John you seem to be the smallest male here." Kaden quipped with no small enjoyment.

John sulked beside me and pulled his hood lower.

"A city full of trees. What do you make of it Ashrive?" He mumbled.

I grunted.

"She gets me." John concluded.

It was then that I noticed the lack of immortal presence in our group. I glanced over my shoulder and grew slightly colder seeing nothing but frozen cobbles and foreigners behind.

"Where is Kára?" I demanded, scanning the streets.

John made a show of dramatic concern before turning back to the street ahead. "Though it is another tragic loss–we must move on."

I didn't bother to hit him. I let my senses leave me and try to scent her. How long had she drifted from our group without my notice? With my thoughts so consumed in loss. Loss of the boy. Loss of control. So much to be taken... The fire in my veins burned hotter again and I tightened a fist.

I paced off quickly back the direction we had come and shouldered past a heavily sworded man who spat something in my direction. I growled and spun on him. Two more men flanked him and called out what I assumed were insults. Kaden and John approached cautiously. My power was rising quickly to the surface ready to melt their skin when I felt it disappear just as quickly. I grit my teeth because I knew the reason why.

She set a glove on my shoulder. 

Then lowered her hood and spoke smoothly in the foreign tongue. I watched the men gawk at her beauty and words, equally enthralled by both. The tallest man released his dagger and dropped into a bow with a sort of embarrassment rushing him. It somehow made me more angry. I whirled from them all in the opposite direction.

It did not take her long to appear at my side with a sweet smelling bag to me.

"Remind me not to bring you sustenance again." Kára drawled. I eyed the bag and knew they were those delicious smelling baked goods I had spied on our way in. Of course it had not escaped her notice.

"Are those sweet rolls?" Kaden demanded, eyeing over my shoulder.

My relief that she was unharmed was short lived and the watering in my mouth dried. I threw her a brief glare before ignoring her and the offer of peace. "Yes, Kaden. Enjoy them." I bit out, moving past.

I heard her sigh behind me as Kaden jumped eagerly to seize the bag. I started back down the cobbles with a familiar burn in my mind and hunger in my stomach.

"I thought you favoured sweet things?" She asked lightly, dodging the men and falling into stride beside me. 

"I favour wanting to slap you this span." I retorted dryly.

She chuckled and rested a hand on her dagger hilt. "Anger aside. I know you are hungry."

"Oh you care for my wants now?" I stated bitterly, keeping my eyes on the houses ahead. I felt her burning eyes on the side of my face. Perhaps a flash of something painful crossed them. Well it was not underserved. She saw no issue in disregarding my needs earlier and preferring solitude.

A Valkyrie's Apprentice: Book TwoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon