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The next day occurred for Jamie at ten minutes to ten and he was in a rush. His hair was rocking the "I just woke up" look while his eyes had black lines under them.

Jamie had worked overtime to get some extra payment last night to pay for Klarisa's medicine and hadn't gotten any sleep.

Which leads him to hurry out the door, the autumn breeze rushing to his face, and him walking swiftly to the nearest place for breakfast.

Henry grabbed a plastic glove and put it on his hand, then grabbed one strawberry frosted donut and placed it in the bag. He then took the mocha tea latte from Lia and placed it on the counter. Next, he did the usual: printed out their receipt and told the customer to have a good day.

The morning rush tended to end around ten as many people were already at work for that day. So although many people were in for that day, it wasn't considered the rush of the century.

A man came up to Henry and listed off the order of a black coffee with a toasted bagel and cream cheese. Henry typed it into the computer and asked if he wanted his receipt.


Henry looked at him and handed him the receipt. The man was undoubtedly handsome. His black hair and hazel eyes told a story that ultimately, Henry wished to know.

Clearing his throat and his mind, Henry began getting his bagel ready. "Is it for here or to go?" Henry heard Lia ask. "Um, for here, I guess."

Odd. Henry thought. Usually, only college students stayed in the cafe to skip lessons or to catch up with their friends, but men like Mr. Handsome didn't stay in.

A few minutes later and Henry watched the man sit down at a booth. Henry sighed. He would love to at least know his name or something about him. Sure, he could look his name up in the computer's records but that didn't seem right. It felt like stalking almost. And besides, what's the point of getting a prize if you already know what it is?

It was nearing ten-thirty when Mr. Handsome was getting up to leave. He had thrown away his trash and grabbed his coffee. Henry was speaking with Lia when Lia spun him around quickly.

Mr. Handsome was at the counter again. He seemed to be enjoying Henry's face of pure shock. "Something the matter, sir?" Henry asked.

"I was just wondering if perhaps I could get your number. I seem to have lost mine."

Henry heard Lia snort behind him before her footsteps fainted. Henry was fighting off a grin. If there was anything Henry loved more than onesies and his stuffie Zara, it was lame pick-up lines.

Nodding sheepishly, he handed the man his phone. The man typed in his number and then saluted goodbye with the promise of coming back.

"Ooh, someone's blushing!" Lia teased.

"S-Shut up!"

Jamie felt pretty calm and proud of himself that night when he returned home from work. It had probably been around two years since he had even asked a boy out and to get a smile out of him was the highlight of Jamie's day.

Jamie had looked at the receipt he had gotten after sitting down at Dunkin Donuts and had felt his cheeks darken as he looked at it.

The boy's name was Henry. It was a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. Henry was perfect in the looks department. He had curly black hair that was shaved at the sides and midnight blue eyes.

Jamie didn't see much of him but he could, from what he did see, tell that Henry was a skinny and secretive person. So being able to obtain his number was a check-in for his book. And he liked his pickup line! Henry was definitely a keeper.

It was nine-thirty at night when Henry had crawled into bed. His body was sleepy but his mind was not. The gears were still turning and his consciousness was still running.

Henry eyed his cell phone from his bedside. It was a simple, affordable 6S, and Henry and it had been on many adventures together.

Henry picked it up and opened it to the contact list. His finger moved to the unknown number at the top, knowing that it was Mr. Handsome from earlier that day, and clicked it.

Now he had an empty conversation log going. Should he say something? Should he tell him that this was Henry or turn over and attempt to sleep?

But it seemed that Henry didn't have to do anything.

Unknown: Hey, it's Jamie. The guy that said the used pick-up line on you?

What does Henry say?

His fingers floated above the keyboard and like a scared twelve-year-old, he sent a message of utter stupidity.

Henry: Hi

Jamie: Hey.

Jamie: When do you think I could take you out?

Did he want to take him out? Like a date? Henry felt shocked but mostly happy. Someone actually wanted to spend time with him! Outside of work hours or that invitation to a date with that girl Alissa.

Henry: I don't know... I um, I mean, I don't work tomorrow so... if you're free...?

Jamie: How's a movie sound? I get off of work near five and there's a movie I've been dying to see that begins at seven.

At seven? But that was usually Little Henry's bedtime... Well, Henry would just have to deal with it. After all, he doesn't work tomorrow and he could be little all day tomorrow until the movie so, what the heck.

Henry: Yes, that's fine.

Jamie: Great!

Jamie: Well, I have an early appointment tomorrow so I should be getting to bed. Goodnight.

Henry: You as well. ☺️

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