Chapter 4 - Project SKZ

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It's been a month since Hana started working at Hwang Corporations. All she could say is that her boss is really wonderful. He's kind, polite and doesn't pressurized her when it comes to work. Hana made sure to do her best. She gave her all when she is doing her work. She would never want to disappoint her kind boss. 

Hana was currently printing an important document for today's meeting. She looked at the cover page of the report, Project SKZ. It is a merger between 8 big companies including Hwang Corporations to build many healthcare facilities all over South Korea such as hospitals, medical centers as well as clinics. Hana looked through the lists of stakeholders.

Bang Corporations

Lee Clinical 

Seo Medical Group

Hwang Corporations

Han Group

Lee United Holdings

Kim Group

Yang International Group

Her eyes widened when she saw one of the stakeholders of the merger. Lee United Holdings?!

Hana felt her heart beating rapidly. Felix is for sure going to be here in this meeting. Her mind was in a mess. She is not ready to see him. Although 6 months had passed, her feelings had never change. Throughout these 6 months, she did not try to move on. Rather, she only suppressed her own emotions and indulge herself with work. But now, there is no way for her to run away from seeing him. She knew that no matter what, she has to attend this meeting with Hyunjin, as his secretary.

"Hana, it's almost 2pm now. Shall we head to the meeting room? The receptionists stated that all stakeholders have arrived.", informed Hyunjin while standing against her office's door.

Hana looked at him and nodded. She grabbedrelevant files containing all the important documents and walked behind Felix to the meeting room where Project SKZ will be discussed. The moment the two entered the meeting room, all eyes that were in the room was on them. Hana looked down in nervousness as they walked to their assigned seats. She avoided from making eye contact with anyone with the hope to avoid seeing Felix. She sat beside Hyunjin and started switching on her laptop for note taking. When she looked up from the laptop, she made contact with the man who she has been wanting to avoid, sitting right opposite of her. 

Lee Felix.

Hana shifted her gaze back to the laptop.  Her ex-husband is sitting directly in front of her. And beside him is Hyojung. No doubt, his face clearly depicts how shocked he is. No one knew how awkward Hana was feeling to be in this meeting room.

The meeting started with Bang Chan introducing the project, "As you all know, Project SKZ  will be commencing from Monday onwards. As the merger required us to work together closely, all of us will be moving to the 60 floors building from tomorrow onwards."

Hana was typing on the laptop throughout the meeting. She did not bother to move her head because of the indescribable discomfort she was feeling in her fragile heart. As soon as the meeting was over, Hana seek Hyunjin's permission to excuse herself and went out of the meeting room. She went to the washroom and let out the tears she had been controlling. The thought of seeing Felix as a ex-husband instead of her husband hurts her so much. Hana washed her face and was about to leave the washroom after when she was greeted by an annoying voice. 

"Look who we have here. If it isn't Lee Felix's ex-wife.", laughed Hyojung while walking towards Hana. 

Hana ignored her and tried walk away. But, she was stopped by Hyojung. 

"What do you want Hyojung?", she asked uninterested.

"I just want to share with you a good news. Me and Felix are staying together. We have been having sex almost everyday. Actually even before he divorced you. Anyways, he loves me now, Hana. Don't you dare to seduce him or else you won't be able to image what's going to happen to you and the baby.", threatened Hyojung with full of menace. 

Hana looked at her in fear. The thoughts of anything happened to her baby kills her. She cannot let anything happen to baby no matter what. She will do anything to save her baby even if she has to die. 

"But looking at how ugly you are, I know I won't have to bother. I mean look at our appearance. You are big and ugly. But I am beautiful and sexy.", she gushed before walking out of the washroom. 

Maybe Hyojung is right. Felix will never look at me ever again. He has someone who is more attractive now. 

Hana sobbed letting the tears that had dried earlier on flow down her pale cheeks all over again. Her heart hurts so much. Felix was the one who cheated. He slept with her even before we separated. After a while, Hana washed her face all over again before drying them. Hyunjin had messaged Hana telling her to go to his office. Hana looked in the mirror once again ensuring that she looked presentable and neat. She head towards Hyunjin's office and almost felt her heart leaped out of her chest when she saw a big group of people in the room. What made her feel uncomfortable when she saw Felix among the crowd of people.

"Ah Hana, you are here! Come let me introduce you to my partners for Project SKZ and their personal assistants who you will be working closely with.", Hyunjin beamed the moment Hana opened his office's door. 

Hana came closer and stood beside him while everyone else was standing opposite facing the two. 

"So this is Bang Chan of Bang Corporations. And this is Park Chaeyoung, his assistant.", Hyunjin said pointed at Bang Chan. 

She looked at Bang Chan and smile earning a smile in return from him. Hyunjin then went on to introduce the rest.

"This is Lee Minho of Lee Clinical and assistant Oh Eunha."

"Meet Seo Changbin of Seo Medical Group and his assistant Jung Yuri. He is a certified specialist in South Korea."

"The one standing beside him is Han Jisung. He can be a cutie at times. And meet, Kim Haeri.", Hyunjin teased earning him a playful punch from Han.

Hana giggled slightly at the cuteness of these two guys.

"This handsome one is Lee Felix. His assistant is Song Hyojung."

Hana felt the pace of her heart beat increased when she heard his name. She bowed lightly and proceed to turn her attention onto the next CEO which Hyunjin was about to introduced.

"This is Kim Seungmin and he is a really good boy. And this is his assistant, Park Mina."

Seungmin instantly reacted, "What the hell hyung?!".

Hana chuckled once again. 

Are they even real CEOs of big corporations?

"The last one is also a cutie. Meet Yang Jongin. His assistant's name is Kim Haeun."

Hana was surprised when she heard the assistant's name. She smiled at both Jongin and Haeun and muttered carelessly, "My baby's name is going to be Haeun too.".

Hana realized that she had blurted out those words unintentionally when everyone's attention was her. She felt her cheeks heated up and therefore she looked down. 

"Your assistant is the real cutie, Hyunjin.", teased Bang Chan making Hana blushed. 

She looked down feeling embarrassed at Bang Chan's remark. Little did she know someone was watching her in rage. 

You are a cheater, Hana. I knew it all those tears weren't real. You and Bang Chan can go to hell.


Not Cut Out For Love | Lee Felix's FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora