oh dazai (2)

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Chuuya finally arrived home after another busy day as the boss of the Port Mafia. He was finishing the plan up as he started calculating the best and worst scenarios. He knew Visage was a powerful organisation and that they'll try killing them before even finishing their plans. That's exactly why he warned the entirety of Port Mafia about it, so they can stay on guard at any time.

Smoke filled the room as he puffed his cigarette. His thoughts suddenly drifted at the brunette who left him to rot all those years ago. He knew he had to put his life in his hands once again. The ginger scoffed, putting out his cigarette. "Like hell I'll trust that bastard..." he muttered to himself. It was already past 3 am when he got a sudden call. He looked at the dialer and saw a number he hadn't called in almost a decade.

"Yes?" He said in a serious voice. "Chuuya-kun, I heard about the organisation you're currently about to attack, so I gathered some information of my own." Chuuya hummed. "And who asked you to do so?" Asked Chuuya after a moment of silence. The caller waited a minute before answering. "Dazai-kun did." Chuuya let out a quiet "oh" before continuing.

"That's very nice of you, don't you think? Repaying your debts after driving a Port Mafia member to death. Eh, Ango?" The ginger smirked darkly. Ango was going to retort before Chuuya cut him off. "I don't care the reason why he asked you to do it, but I need you to hand me that information as soon as possible. In person." he said in a serious voice that sent chills down the other's spine.

"Understood. I will bring them tomorrow at 10 pm at bar Lupin." Chuuya grinned. "Very well. Don't be late, or there will be plenty of consequences." There was silence on the other end before Ango finally agreed. "It's a plan then. Good night now, Ango." he said before closing the call. He had everything figured out to take the organisation down beside a few major details: what's the leader of the organization's ability and where is the main base.

After he made up his mind, he remembered what Ango said. "I understand why Dazai would ask Ango for information, but why did he call me? Was that suicidal maniac asleep? No, impossible. He never sleeps, just like I don't dream." Chuuya was still thinking about the brunette's motivations, but brushed it off since the next day he had to lead an organisation once again. He quickly changed into his sleeping clothes and went to bed.








Dazai had called Ango not long after Chuuya left to ask him about the organization. Once he knew Ango had crucial information about it, he ordered him to tell Chuuya everything he knew. Ango, of course, refused at first, but then Dazai reminded him about what had happened with Odasaku, making him obligated to agree to do it.

The brunette felt horrible and just wanted to be of help to Chuuya. Maybe like this, they could talk everything out and Dazai could finally confess. But who was he kidding? Like hell Chuuya would accept his feelings after the pain he'd received from the brunette. Dazai sighed and got up from his desk. He couldn't stay in that closed space anymore, he needed some fresh air.

He walked for about three hours before stopping at the Yokohama bridge. The scenery was mesmerizing. Dazai had always wanted to end his life, but something always stopped him. It was the purpose Chuuya had given him. The first time Chuuya had used corruption, he felt like a monster, like he wasn't human, he felt as if the world had done him wrong.

'I knew how he felt better than anyone. That's why, with my ability, I can regain his humanity back with just the touch of a finger.

My reason to live is to always remind Chuuya that he's human, that he deserves what everyone has, and even more. I am here to be by Chuuya's side every time he loses himself, as he was always there for me whenever I lost my sanity back in the Port Mafia.'

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