Crazy for you (part two)

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Everyone had gathered into the dining hall since it was time to eat. The kids and adults were separated in different rooms since both parties had different things to talk about. Dazai sat down at the table together with Atsushi, waiting for their food. After it arrived, everyone thanked for the food and started making small talk.

That was until a man who looked in his thirties started making comments about a girl who looked to be twenty years old. He started making mean and dirty comments at her expense while she was ignoring him. Dazai just observed the events that partake, ready to jump in at any time. After some time, the man grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her towards him. Dazai immediately shot up to help, when the girl suddenly grabbed the man's head and slammed it on the wooden surface. You could hear a crack when that happened.

Everyone at the table acted like this was completely normal. Nobody moved even a muscle and continued with their meals. All you could hear were the struggling man's whines as the girl hadn't let go of him yet. "I'm none of your business. " the girl spat before grabbing her fork, getting ready to stab the man's neck. Before she could impale him, someone grabbed her hand.

"That's enough, Rin-tan." The girl immediately turned her head and dropped the fork at the sight of the nurse. "Ah, Chuuya-tan! It's so nice to see you!" she said embracing him, as if nothing had happened. Dazai stared in awe trying to figure out what just happened. The man she'd attacked was knocked out and she and Chuuya were talking like the events that took place didn't even matter. 'What the fuck...' Dazai thought.

The brunette took a second glance at that Rin girl and tried to understand what just happened. She had dyed the ends of her hair in yellow, while the rest of the hair was the same color as Dazai's. Her eyes were a dark hazel, no life was seen in them when she attacked the man, but now her eyes were glimmering, bringing light into the room. She also didn't wear normal patient clothes. Instead, she wore a black shirt with a white tie and a white jacket above her shoulders, and some white pants. She was a little bit taller than Chuuya and was emitting some sort of warm aura.

Dazai didn't feel good about her. He didn't feel good about her and Chuuya being so close as they call themselves with those kinds of honorifics. Dazai walked over to them and suddenly pulled Chuuya into an embrace. The ginger was confused, of course, but while he was trying to figure out what was going on, Dazai was sending Rin a death glare. She did the same but added a spine-chilling grin. Dazai could feel cold sweat as he stared into her empty eyes.

She then moved her gaze to Chuuya "Well then, I'll be heading to my room now!" she said, smiling. It's like she changed completely from what happened at the table and now. The brunette was confused, even as a genius. He couldn't comprehend the reason he felt as if Rin was too dangerous to be let free in this kind of place. While Dazai was thinking all of this, Chuuya finally managed to get out of his embrace and stare at him puzzled.

"Who was she?" Dazai asked. Chuuya looked at him, still confused at the brunette's actions "She's Yamamoto Rin. She came in when I was still a patient here and we became friends since then. I got better and decided to work here, while she's still a patient." Dazai still didn't understand her sudden outburst so he asked "And what's with her mood swings?" Chuuya laughed a bit at how stupid Dazai was acting at that moment, but later answered. "She has dissociative identity disorder, which means she has two distinct personalities that change at different times without warning."

Dazai finally understood the situation and sighed in relief. "Good, I thought she was going to kill me with that glare." Chuuya was holding in a fit of laughter at that point. 'God, he really is a dumbass.' the ginger thought. After calming down, Chuuya excused himself, having to check on the kids in the other room. Dazai was still a bit lost in thought. He surely didn't want that Rin girl close to his Chuuya, but they've known each other for a long period of time... This was going to be tough.

When they all finished their food, they headed into their own separate wards. While they were heading to their room, Atsushi bumped into someone and fell. "A-ah, sorry!" said the albino. "It's no problem really." the person said as she held out an arm for Atsushi to grab. He did and they started a conversation about whatever was going on around the ward. It was peaceful until a certain brunette came in between the two.

"Rin." he said harshly. "Ah, it's you..." She said in an unrecognizable tone. "Do you need anything?" she asked with a bright smile. Dazai could feel the hate for the girl in front of him grow as she kept acting innocently. Atsushi was looking at them confused, as he didn't understand the situation well enough. After a fit of glaring, she turned to the albino. "Well then, it was nice meeting you, Atsushi-kun!" she said with a soft smile before leaving to, what the brunette guessed was, the direction of her room. Atsushi waved at her as she did the same. Dazai looked sort of pissed off, so Atsushi asked him what was wrong. "Nothing is wrong, I'm just tired, that's all." Dazai said with an obviously forced smile before heading to their shared room. Atsushi didn't understand what was going on, as he headed in the same direction as Dazai.

The next day was the same as usual: Chuuya came to wake the patients up, Dazai teased the ginger, causing him to blush, and they all went to eat breakfast. Of course, Rin was there as well, and after seeing how mad Dazai got when she talked with Chuuya, she took any chance to tease the bandaged male. She was mostly playing around, knowing full-well that Chuuya was into guys, but she enjoyed the brunette's reactions. Plus, sometimes it made Dazai's and Chuuya's relationship go even further.

Rin herself was into girls so she really had no reason as to why she'd like Chuuya more than a brother, but of course, she'd never tell Dazai that.

After months of living in that ward, Dazai finally took the initiative to confess to Chuuya. He didn't know how the other would react. He sure hoped he wouldn't get rejected. That morning when Chuuya came to wake the boys up, Dazai waited until Atsushi was out of the room to make his move. Chuuya was heading out when the brunette grabbed his arm. "Oi Dazai, what are you doing?" asked Chuuya in a tired voice. The brunette pulled Chuuya onto him and they both fell on the bed, the ginger being on top.

"Wh-" his thought process was stopped when Dazai flipped them over, as now he was standing on top of the ginger. "Hey, there chibi~" he sang before closing the space between them. He was close to kissing him, but stopped inches away from his face and looked into his beautiful azure eyes. "May I?" asked the brunette.

Chuuya was now a blushing mess. He didn't know what was happening. He stood silent for a while. "G-go ahead, bastard." he said. Dazai took that as a green light and lustfully kissed the ginger's lips. Chuuya began kissing back and put his hands around Dazai's neck, deepening the kiss. The brunette bit Chuuya's bottom lip, making him let out a whimper. Dazai was exploring the ginger's mouth tenderly. The brunette started moving his hand up under the others shirt as the one under him let out small moans with every touch.

"Oya, am I interrupting something?" Both males stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the voice. There stood Rin with a huge grin on her face. "I'm guessing you finally confessed, huh? That took too long, really." She said before taking her phone out and showing the duo a picture of them making out. "I'm keeping this as blackmail, now, please continue!" She said before leaving the room.

Chuuya was a blushing mess while repairing his clothes and rushing out of the room. Dazai laughed at the sight and smiled. 'So this is love, huh.'

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