Crazy for you (part one)

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Chuuya Nakahara was a well-respected nurse at Silver Hill psych ward. He's helped dozens of children and adults get back on their feet and back into society. He was loved by every patient and helper around the hospital. He also loved spending time with every kid or teen who had been signed into the ward, since he knew it was hardest for them.

While he was showing some kids how to play a board game he'd found around the building, another doctor called him over to the main hall. The main hall is where new people get signed up into the ward and where most people are welcomed to a new kind of life. Chuuya wasn't sure why he was called down there of all people, since he was mostly just a helper, but still complied.

At the main desk stood a tall man in a white lab coat with black hair and violet eyes. Beside him was a small child with two different colored hair, half was white, the other black, and weirdly shaped eyes; the kid was also holding a rather creepy doll. Behind the man was a guy around Chuuya's age who had chocolate locks, hazel eyes, and was strangely wrapped in bandages. "We welcome you in, Kyusaku Yumeno and Dazai Osamu! I hope you'll make good friendships here and will be able to get over your illness!" said the doctor seated at the front desk. "Chuuya-kun," he eyed the ginger, "would you mind showing them to their rooms?" Chuuya shook his head in agreement as he took the files from the front desk. "Come with me, please." He said with a warm smile that was returned only by the smaller kid.

Chuuya started looking through their files just to see what rooms they were assigned in. Not long after heading in the direction of the rooms, Yumeno started talking about his hopes and dreams and how he knows he'll get out of there soon. Chuuya was as caring as usual and he patted Yumeno's head in agreement. Dazai said nothing for the whole trip, only admiring the ginger. Chuuya was wearing a standard blue nurse outfit (for males, of course) and a white coat above his shoulders which somehow made him even smaller than he already was.

When they arrived in the kid's section, Chuuya bent down on one knee to match Yumenos height and he hugged him. Yumeno flinched at the sudden action but then hugged the ginger back wholeheartedly. "I'll come later to check on you, okay? The kids are really friendly around here, so I'm sure you'll find someone to spend time with in the meantime." said Chuuya in a soft voice, as if reassuring the kid in his arms that there are no dangers around, and it was working. Yumeno nodded in agreement and walked into the kid's section part of the ward and started looking for his labeled room.

Chuuya was then ambushed by around thirteen kids. "Chuuya-san! Can we play with the cars again?" "Yeah! Chuuya-san! Please!" "Chuuya-san, look what mom bought me, isn't it pretty?" Chuuya smiled and hugged all of them at once. "I'll be back in a few minutes, but while I show this young man to his room, please try and make friends with the new kid, alright?" "Yes, Chuuya-san!" they all said in unison. The ginger smiled and continued leading the brunette to his own room. Dazai was taken aback by how good Chuuya was with children. I mean, it should already be obvious, but it still surprised him.

They reached the adult section of the ward and Chuuya stopped in his tracks. "Well, this is your destination." He said in a soft voice. "I hope we can talk more while you're staying here." he continued. As he was walking away, a voice stopped him. "Where's my goodbye hug?" the brunette asked teasingly. Chuuya turned around, being surprised at the brunette's words. It was normal for a nurse to hug its patient, but he'd never suspected that Dazai had such a sensual voice. Chuuya chuckled a bit and embraced the brunette, who didn't flinch at all. Instead, he hugged the ginger even tighter, as if scared of what was going to happen when he let go.

After what felt like hours, the brunette finally let go of Chuuya and, for the first time, smiled genuinely. "Will I see you later?" asked Dazai with a glint of hope in his voice. "Of course." said Chuuya with a bit of blush covering his cheeks. Dazai finally turned around and started searching for his room. When he did, he didn't even bother looking at who his roommate was, as he jumped face-on in one of the beds, blushing furiously. 'Chuuya, huh? God, he's so cute...'

"U-um?" he heard a voice from the other side of the room. When he looked in the direction of the voice, he was met with a boy younger than him. He looked to be around eighteen years old, had white hair with unequal bangs, lavender-gold eyes, and was wearing a rather modest outfit. "A-are you my new roommate?" the kid asked. Dazai was still dazed by the nurse, but regained himself and answered. "Yes, my name is Dazai, Dazai Osamu. And you are..." "Atsushi Nakajima!" he said with a wide smile. Dazai gave him a fake smile before going back to daydreaming about the ginger.

Meanwhile, Chuuya had returned to the children's ward and started playing with them. He observed that Yumeno was sitting in a corner of the room playing alone with his doll. The ginger approached him and sat next to him. "It's scary, isn't it?" Chuuya asked. Yumeno just nodded his head and hugged his doll tightly. "It's okay. I was scared too when I first came here." Yumeno looked surprised. "You were a patient here as well?!" he asked. Chuuya chuckled a bit. "Well, yes. I had lost my family and relatives in a fire, so I was alone and in a deep state of depression. I was brought here by one of the staff members from the orphanage I was staying in when I was only five years old." Chuuya explained with a saddened smile. "But it really helped, and now I work here to help out those in similar circumstances as I was in." he continued.

Yumeno suddenly shot up from where he was sitting and hugged Chuuya. "I-I'm so sorry, Chuuya-san!" he said while sobbing. Chuuya patted his head in a comforting manner and whispered softly. "It's okay, because if those events didn't happen, I wouldn't have been able to meet you." He said with a chuckle. Yumeno smiled and wiped his tears before going to the other kids in the room.

The ginger sighed softly as he got up and checked the clock. It was time for him to check on the adults. He arrived at the other ward shortly and was greeted by some men in their fifties watching and yelling at a match of football. Chuuya loudly tapped the couch they were sitting on and asked them to keep it down. They, of course, complied and continued watching TV. The ginger started looking through the halls in the ward and saw that hardly anybody was there. They were probably annoyed by the old men's bickering in the center of the ward.

Chuuya started knocking on every door to check on the patients, who gladly invited him in and showed them various things they've learned or found. Chuuya loved listening to their ramblings so he always listened to the end. After checking in most of the old patients, he arrived at the two new ones. He knocked on the door lightly. When the door opened, he was greeted by a tight hug given by an albino-haired boy. "Atsushi-kun!" the ginger smiled and hugged the male back. "Chuuya-san! I thought you'd never come!" Upon hearing Atsushi's words, Dazai shot up from where he was laying and walked over to the door.

"Oh, chibi's here." said the brunette with a smirk. Chuuya kept his composure as he felt like punching Dazai right there and then, but he knew the brunette was just mentally deranged so he had an excuse to be annoying. The ginger scoffed before returning his gaze to the white-haired boy in his arms. "So, how's your staying so far?" he asked while gently caressing Atsushi's hair, which purred at the sudden action. 'It's great, Chuuya-san! I also learned how to draw a tiger!" "Really?! May I see?"

Atsushi blushed a little and grabbed Chuuya's wrist, heading into the room with him. When Dazai saw the blushing albino, he felt his heart throb. He was jealous at how easy it was for the younger to approach Chuuya. Atsushi continued presenting his drawings to the ginger as he sat down and admired every one of them.

Dazai sat close to Chuuya (on purpose) and started looking in Atsushi's sketchbook as well. They weren't too bad, but the brunette could bet he can do better. After finishing looking through the drawings, Chuuya patted Atsushi's head and smiled "Good job, kid." Then he turned to face Dazai. "How's your staying going, huh?" he asked. Dazai smiled and approached Chuuya's face. "It's going fantastic.." he said in a seductive voice. Chuuya immediately shot up while hiding his blushing face. "Um, dinner will be ready shortly." the ginger said while getting out of the room.

Dazai laughed a bit and kept thinking of the ginger. He really was going to drive the brunette mad.

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