"Let's go," Misaki called out ethusiastically and opened the door. Souta exhaled deeply and then took his hand from Kenta's shoulder. "Let's go" he told him and gave him a small smile. No reaction, just a slight nod and then he walked past the older man and through the door without looking back.


The family's car was parked by a magnificent building. No matter who the designer was, this person had perfectly combined traditional and modern and made it a masterpiece. A few people were gathered in front of the tall building. Some were waiting to be let in, some were awaiting someone, and some seemed to still be enjoying the night air before they went inside.

Orochimaru simply followed his family. His brother's chakra hummed nervously while his mother once again drilled into him the latest lessons on good manners.

"And remember Nibori, this evening could define your whole life. You must smile, speak when spoken to, and respect those around you. They may not look like much, but everyone in there is a hotshot in their own field. Don't get too pushy, but also don't hold yourself-"

"I know all that already mom, please" somewhat desperately he tried to shake her off, to which Misaki frowned worriedly. Souta, who had somehow found his place next to Orochimaru again, laughed and greeted his first acquaintances with a slight nod.

The reception was grand and luxurious. Gilded and crystal-studded ornaments glittered in the light of the chandelier. Marble decorated the high wall columns and floor, while paintings of landscapes adorned the walls. Small indoor gardens were artfully located in the center and around the perimeter of the great hall. Cocktail tables stood around and attendants hurried through the crowd with trays filled with either drinks or small snacks.

Soft music played in the background, which was then drowned out by people's chattering. Some familiar faces could be seen, from TV shows or from the cover of magazines sold at newsstands. Many of them were pro heroes, or those who worked in this field.

Orochimaru could recognize the representative of a well-known support company. The only reason he knew of them was because the company was supposedly doing research on Quirk amplifiers. There was a lot of criticism about this, but Orochimaru found their projects interesting. This went so far as to have one of his subjects sneak in to steal the research results. At the moment, anyway, he was still in the middle of the process of sneaking in.

His parents had mingled with the crowd pretty quickly, dragging their sons behind them and introducing them to all sorts of people. His father, as head of the police department, knew an astonishing number of people, so many that it could easily overwhelm one. And even though Orochimaru had absolutely no desire for any of it, he performed his role perfectly. He hated formalities, but that didn't mean he didn't know how to entertain people at such events. He was so good that Misaki gave him a few surprised looks and Nibori worried that his chances were being stolen by his little brother. He might have gotten a little envious, but didn't mention it and kept trying to smile his way through the conversations.

"Kenta" Orochimaru looked to his mother, who smiled at him and then asked him to follow her.

She led him to a woman, short blonde hair, amber eyes and long red cocktail dress.

"Ryuko, this is my son Kenta. Kenta, that's Tatsuma Ryuko, also known by the hero name Ryukyu. I designed her hero costume" she introduced the two and Orochimaru gave her a small, polite smile, which she returned.

"Misaki has told me a lot about you" she began. First name basis, the Sannin noted. "She said that you are quite a fighter and that you have a reptilian quirk" she said and Misaki nodded in confirmation. "That's right," she said with a smile, "when his brother convinced him to train, he almost always won, even though he was never trained professionally. I can proudly say that my son here is a natural talent."

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